rm *.pot || true rm: cannot remove '*.pot': No such file or directory DOCUMENT_VERSION="8.0.2" DOCUMENT_VERSION_FULL="8.0.2" LOCALE="en" /usr/bin/sphinx-build -d doctrees -b gettext -E /var/tmp/portage/app-text/groonga-8.0.2-r2/work/groonga-8.0.2/doc/source . Running Sphinx v7.2.5 Configuration error: There is a syntax error in your configuration file: Missing parentheses in call to 'print'. Did you mean print(...)? (conf.py, line 30) make[8]: *** [Makefile:2967: gettext] Error 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- This is an unstable amd64 chroot image at a tinderbox (==build bot) name: 17.1_no_multilib_hardened-20230822-115612 ------------------------------------------------------------------- gcc-config -l: [1] x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-13 * clang/llvm (if any): clang version 16.0.6 Target: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu Thread model: posix InstalledDir: /usr/lib/llvm/16/bin Configuration file: /etc/clang/clang.cfg /usr/lib/llvm/16 16.0.6 Python 3.11.5 Available Rust versions: [1] rust-bin-1.72.0 * The following VMs are available for generation-2: 1) Eclipse Temurin JDK 11.0.19_p7 [openjdk-bin-11] 2) Eclipse Temurin JDK 17.0.7_p7 [openjdk-bin-17] *) Eclipse Temurin JDK 8.372_p07 [openjdk-bin-8] Available Java Virtual Machines: [1] openjdk-bin-8 system-vm [2] openjdk-bin-11 [3] openjdk-bin-17 php cli (if any): go version go1.21.0 linux/amd64 HEAD of ::gentoo commit 80e3c043c6ff1d15d8f672f163aebda47932dc27 Author: Repository mirror & CI <repomirrorci@gentoo.org> Date: Thu Aug 31 01:31:56 2023 +0000 2023-08-31 01:31:55 UTC emerge -qpvO app-text/groonga [ebuild N ] app-text/groonga-8.0.2-r2 USE="doc exact-alloc-count jemalloc mecab nfkc -abort -benchmark -debug -dynamic-malloc-change -examples -fmalloc -futex -libedit -libevent (-lzo) -msgpack -sphinx -static-libs -uyield -zeromq (-zlib) -zstd"
Created attachment 869093 [details] emerge-info.txt
Created attachment 869094 [details] app-text:groonga-8.0.2-r2:20230831-022314.log.xz
Created attachment 869095 [details] emerge-history.txt.xz
Created attachment 869096 [details] environment
Created attachment 869097 [details] etc.clang.tar.xz
Created attachment 869098 [details] etc.portage.tar.xz
Created attachment 869099 [details] logs.tar.xz
Created attachment 869100 [details] temp.tar.xz