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Bug 913283 - [frr-gentoo] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope
Summary: [frr-gentoo] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Overlays (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal normal
Assignee: f0o
Depends on:
Blocks: repository-qa-issues
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Reported: 2023-08-30 07:53 UTC by Thomas Bracht Laumann Jespersen
Modified: 2025-02-24 21:45 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Thomas Bracht Laumann Jespersen 2023-08-30 07:53:20 UTC
Our automated repository checks [1] have detected that the 'frr-gentoo'
repository contains ebuilds that trigger fatal errors during the cache
regeneration. This usually means that the ebuilds call 'die' in global
scope indicating serious issues or have other serious QA violations.

Global-scope failures prevent the ebuild not only from being installed
but also from being properly processed by the Package Manager. Since
metadata can not be obtained for those ebuilds, no cache entries are
created for them and the Package Manager needs to retry running them
every time it stumbles upon them. This involves both a serious slowdown
and repeating error output while performing dependency resolution.

The most common cause of global-scope failures is use of removed or
banned APIs in old ebuilds. In particular, this includes eclasses being
removed or removing support for old EAPIs. Nonetheless there are also
other issues such as performing illegal operations in global scope
(external program calls), malformed bash in ebuilds or malformed

The error log for the repository can be found at:

In particular, please look for highlighted error messages.

Please fix the issue ASAP, possibly via removing unmaintained, old
ebuilds. We reserve the right to remove the repository from our list if
we do not receive any reply within 4 weeks.

Comment 1 f0o 2023-08-31 10:09:11 UTC
Will have a look at it over the weekend, thanks for reporting!
Comment 2 Jaco Kroon 2024-10-02 08:35:07 UTC
Looking at the attached this was due to an indirect inherit on eutils.  FRR doesn't depend directly on eutils, nor are there any references left to this anywhere that I can find any more.

Closing as OBSOLETE.
Comment 3 Thomas Bracht Laumann Jespersen 2024-11-11 11:12:38 UTC
Reopened as there appears to be a direct reference to eutils:
Comment 4 Thomas Bracht Laumann Jespersen 2025-02-24 21:45:28 UTC
The repository has been removed, rendering this bug obsolete.