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Bug 903139 (CVE-2021-43311, CVE-2021-43312, CVE-2021-43313, CVE-2021-43314, CVE-2021-43315, CVE-2021-43316, CVE-2021-43317) - <app-arch/upx-4.0.2 <app-arch/upx-bin-4.0.2: multiple vulnerabilities
Summary: <app-arch/upx-4.0.2 <app-arch/upx-bin-4.0.2: multiple vulnerabilities
Alias: CVE-2021-43311, CVE-2021-43312, CVE-2021-43313, CVE-2021-43314, CVE-2021-43315, CVE-2021-43316, CVE-2021-43317
Product: Gentoo Security
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Vulnerabilities (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal minor (vote)
Assignee: Gentoo Security
Whiteboard: B3 [glsa?]
Depends on:
Reported: 2023-03-26 22:26 UTC by John Helmert III
Modified: 2023-10-02 16:56 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


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Description John Helmert III archtester Gentoo Infrastructure gentoo-dev Security 2023-03-26 22:26:43 UTC
CVE-2021-43311 (

A heap-based buffer overflow was discovered in upx, during the generic pointer 'p' points to an inaccessible address in func get_le32(). The problem is essentially caused in PackLinuxElf32::elf_lookup() at p_lx_elf.cpp:5382.

CVE-2021-43312 (

A heap-based buffer overflow was discovered in upx, during the variable 'bucket' points to an inaccessible address. The issue is being triggered in the function PackLinuxElf64::invert_pt_dynamic at p_lx_elf.cpp:5239.

CVE-2021-43313 (

A heap-based buffer overflow was discovered in upx, during the variable 'bucket' points to an inaccessible address. The issue is being triggered in the function PackLinuxElf32::invert_pt_dynamic at p_lx_elf.cpp:1688.

CVE-2021-43314 (

A heap-based buffer overflows was discovered in upx, during the generic pointer 'p' points to an inaccessible address in func get_le32(). The problem is essentially caused in PackLinuxElf32::elf_lookup() at p_lx_elf.cpp:5368

CVE-2021-43315 (

A heap-based buffer overflows was discovered in upx, during the generic pointer 'p' points to an inaccessible address in func get_le32(). The problem is essentially caused in PackLinuxElf32::elf_lookup() at p_lx_elf.cpp:5349

CVE-2021-43316 (

A heap-based buffer overflow was discovered in upx, during the generic pointer 'p' points to an inaccessible address in func get_le64().

CVE-2021-43317 (

A heap-based buffer overflows was discovered in upx, during the generic pointer 'p' points to an inaccessible address in func get_le32(). The problem is essentially caused in PackLinuxElf64::elf_lookup() at p_lx_elf.cpp:5404

Unsure if these patches were pulled into upx-4.0.1-r1, but I guess we
can just clean up?
Comment 1 Azamat H. Hackimov 2023-09-07 21:58:34 UTC
There no vulnerable package versions in tree.