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Bug 900220 - sys-apps/systemd-utils-252.7 is adding tmp file management without the administrator's permission
Summary: sys-apps/systemd-utils-252.7 is adding tmp file management without the admini...
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Current packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal major
Assignee: Gentoo systemd Team
Depends on:
Reported: 2023-03-08 01:55 UTC by Christopher Layne
Modified: 2023-11-26 00:36 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Christopher Layne 2023-03-08 01:55:03 UTC
With this commit:

commit aaf17c251d1161d5a63a197b040235fe1353783c
Author: Sam James <>
Date:   Sat Mar 4 01:19:27 2023 +0000

   sys-apps/systemd-utils: add 252.7

   Signed-off-by: Sam James <>

And an emerge update to update the latest systemd-utils, along with other packages, the second /etc/cron.daily/systemd-tmpfiles-clean ran I had a ton of files under /tmp and /var/tmp get nuked because the latest ebuild is forcibly installing various files in /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d to manage temp directories (amongst other things) without any opt-in into it. This just happened completely transparent to me without any awareness of what the ebuild had setup.

I run a system with openrc only and with /etc/conf.d/bootmisc:wipe_tmp="NO". I do not want anything messing with these directories but all it took was for me to do a simple emerge update and I lost a bunch of data (most of it backed up). Granted, important data shouldn't be sitting in /tmp or /var/tmp, and this isn't super important stuff, however it's the principle of things here that's an issue.

Pertinent changes of the ebuild diffs related to tmpfiles management:

clayne@dorian:/usr/portage/sys-apps/systemd-utils $ sdiff -b -w 180  systemd-utils-251.10-r1.ebuild systemd-utils-252.7.ebuild


      	       	if use tmpfiles; then  	       	       	       	       	       	       	       	       	if use tmpfiles; then
      	       	       	targets+=(     	       	       	       	       	       	       	       	       	       	targets+=(
      	       	       	       	systemd-tmpfiles.standalone    	       	       	       	       	       	       	       	systemd-tmpfiles.standalone
      	       	       	       	man/tmpfiles.d.5       	       	       	       	       	       	       	       	       	man/tmpfiles.d.5
      	       	       	       	man/systemd-tmpfiles.8 	       	       	       	       	       	       	       	       	man/systemd-tmpfiles.8
      	       	       	       	       	       	       	       	       	       	      >	       	       	       	       	tmpfiles.d/{etc,static-nodes-permissions,var}.conf
      	       	       	)      	       	       	       	       	       	       	       	       	       	       	)


      	       	if use tmpfiles; then  	       	       	       	       	       	       	       	       	if use tmpfiles; then
      	       	       	into "${rootprefix:-/}"	       	       	       	       	       	       	       	       	into "${rootprefix:-/}"
      	       	       	newbin systemd-tmpfiles{.standalone,}  	       	       	       	       	       	       	newbin systemd-tmpfiles{.standalone,}
      	       	       	doman man/{systemd-tmpfiles.8,tmpfiles.d.5}    	       	       	       	       	       	doman man/{systemd-tmpfiles.8,tmpfiles.d.5}
      	       	       	       	       	       	       	       	       	       	      >	       	       	       	insinto /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d
      	       	       	       	       	       	       	       	       	       	      >	       	       	       	doins tmpfiles.d/{etc,static-nodes-permissions,var}.conf
      	       	fi     	       	       	       	       	       	       	       	       	       	       	fi


      	if use tmpfiles; then  	       	       	       	       	       	       	       	       	if use tmpfiles; then
      	       	doinitd "${FILESDIR}"/systemd-tmpfiles-setup   	       	       	       	       	       	doinitd "${FILESDIR}"/systemd-tmpfiles-setup
      	       	doinitd "${FILESDIR}"/systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev       	       	       	       	       	doinitd "${FILESDIR}"/systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev
      	       	exeinto /etc/cron.daily	       	       	       	       	       	       	       	       	exeinto /etc/cron.daily
      	       	doexe "${FILESDIR}"/systemd-tmpfiles-clean     	       	       	       	       	       	doexe "${FILESDIR}"/systemd-tmpfiles-clean
      	       	insinto /usr/share/zsh/site-functions  	       	       	       	       	       	       	insinto /usr/share/zsh/site-functions
      	       	doins shell-completion/zsh/_systemd-tmpfiles   	       	       	       	       	       	doins shell-completion/zsh/_systemd-tmpfiles
      	       	       	       	       	       	       	       	       	       	      >	       	       	insinto /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d
      	       	       	       	       	       	       	       	       	       	      >	       	       	doins tmpfiles.d/{tmp,x11}.conf
      	       	       	       	       	       	       	       	       	       	      >	       	       	doins "${FILESDIR}"/legacy.conf
      	fi     	       	       	       	       	       	       	       	       	       	       	fi

Honestly I wouldn't even have this package installed at all if it wasn't necessary. But udev is forcing it on me:

clayne@dorian:/usr/portage/sys-apps/systemd-utils $ equery d systemd-utils
* These packages depend on systemd-utils:
virtual/libudev-232-r7 (!systemd ? sys-apps/systemd-utils[udev,abi_x86_32(-)?,abi_x86_64(-)?,abi_x86_x32(-)?,abi_mips_n32(-)?,abi_mips_n64(-)?,abi_mips_o32(-)?,abi_s390_32(-)?,abi_s390_64(-)?])
virtual/tmpfiles-0-r3 (!prefix-guest ? sys-apps/systemd-utils[tmpfiles])
virtual/udev-217-r5 (sys-apps/systemd-utils[udev])
Comment 1 Sam James archtester Gentoo Infrastructure gentoo-dev Security 2023-03-08 02:16:32 UTC
It's not that commit, it's that 252 was stabled earlier.

Have you followed
Comment 2 Christopher Layne 2023-03-08 02:29:59 UTC
And I see now there was a news item on it:

clayne@mercury:~ $ sudo eselect news read 18
  Title                     systemd-tmpfiles --clean enabled by default
  Author                    Mike Gilbert <>
  Posted                    2022-11-21
  Revision                  1

Starting with sys-apps/systemd-utils-251.8-r1, a script is installed in
/etc/cron.daily to run "systemd-tmpfiles --clean" once per day. This
will remove stale temp files based on settings specified in tmpfiles.d.

This change is meant to mimic the behavior of
systemd-tmpfiles-clean.timer from systemd on systems running OpenRC.

If you wish to opt-out, simply comment out the command in

However, this is the wrong approach IMO. It should *not* be opt-out, it should be *opt-in*. It's a core tenant of how things are done with all of this that data is not unnecessarily deleted, ever, and that there is no violation of the principle of least surprise. Enabling something that will automatically delete data should be something that absolutely requires explicit action as it is new behavior (on the host itself, the approach itself is well known).