too long lines were shrinked: ^ 3 warnings generated. clang -MT zlib/crc32.o -MD -MF zlib/.crc32.o.d -Os -march=i386 -falign-functions=0 -falign-jumps=0 -falign-labels=0 -ffast-math -fomit-frame-pointer -std=gnu99 -m32 -fno-stack-protector -fwrapv -freg-struct-return -fPIC -fno-exceptions -fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables -fno-strict-aliasing -falign-fun clang-15: error: unsupported option '--print-libgcc' clang-15: error: no input files clang-15: warning: optimization flag '-falign-jumps=0' is not supported [-Wignored-optimization-argument] clang-15: warning: optimization flag '-falign-labels=0' is not supported [-Wignored-optimization-argument] ------------------------------------------------------------------- This is an unstable amd64 chroot image at a tinderbox (==build bot) name: 17.1_systemd-j4-20221126-170006 ------------------------------------------------------------------- CC=clang CXX=clang++ gcc-config -l: [1] x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-12 * clang/llvm (if any): clang version 15.0.5 Target: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu Thread model: posix InstalledDir: /usr/lib/llvm/15/bin Configuration file: /etc/clang/clang.cfg /usr/lib/llvm/15 15.0.5 Python 3.10.8 Available Ruby profiles: [1] ruby27 (with Rubygems) [2] ruby31 (with Rubygems) * Available Rust versions: [1] rust-bin-1.65.0 * The following VMs are available for generation-2: php cli (if any): [1] php7.4 [2] php8.0 [3] php8.1 * HEAD of ::gentoo commit 154b147ae5e9db5ecded489c717c17b8e7c89962 Author: Repository mirror & CI <> Date: Sun Nov 27 09:16:52 2022 +0000 2022-11-27 09:16:52 UTC emerge -qpvO sys-boot/syslinux [ebuild N ] sys-boot/syslinux-6.04_pre1-r3 USE="bios efi" ABI_X86="(64) -32"
Created attachment 837587 [details] emerge-info.txt
Created attachment 837589 [details] emerge-history.txt
Created attachment 837591 [details] environment
Created attachment 837593 [details] etc.clang.tar.bz2
Created attachment 837595 [details] etc.portage.tar.bz2
Created attachment 837597 [details] sys-boot:syslinux-6.04_pre1-r3:20221127-103355.log.bz2
Created attachment 837599 [details] temp.tar.bz2
Not c99 but clang