ln -s ckp_pam.c osdepckp.c Once-only environment setup... echo x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc > CCTYPE echo `cat CFLAGS` '-pipe -march=native -fno-diagnostics-color -O2 -fPIC' -DCHUNKSIZE=65536 > CFLAGS cat: CFLAGS: No such file or directory echo `cat OSCFLAGS` -DCREATEPROTO=unixproto -DEMPTYPROTO=unixproto \ -DMD5ENABLE=\"/etc/cram-md5.pwd\" -DMAILSPOOL=\"/var/spool/mail\" \ ------------------------------------------------------------------- This is an unstable amd64 chroot image at a tinderbox (==build bot) name: 17.1_desktop_gnome-j4-20221110-170004 ------------------------------------------------------------------- GNUMAKEFLAGS="$GNUMAKEFLAGS --jobserver-style=pipe" GNUMAKEFLAGS="$GNUMAKEFLAGS --shuffle" gcc-config -l: [1] x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-12 * clang/llvm (if any): clang version 15.0.4 Target: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu Thread model: posix InstalledDir: /usr/lib/llvm/15/bin Configuration file: /etc/clang/clang.cfg /usr/lib/llvm/15 15.0.4 Python 3.10.8 Available Ruby profiles: (none found) Available Rust versions: [1] rust-bin-1.65.0 * The following VMs are available for generation-2: 1) OpenJDK 17.0.5_p8 [openjdk-17] 2) OpenJDK 8.345_p01 [openjdk-8] *) Eclipse Temurin JDK 17.0.5_p8 [openjdk-bin-17] 4) Eclipse Temurin JDK 8.352_p08 [openjdk-bin-8] 5) Eclipse Temurin JRE 17.0.5_p8 [openjdk-jre-bin-17] Available Java Virtual Machines: [1] openjdk-8 [2] openjdk-17 [3] openjdk-bin-8 [4] openjdk-bin-17 system-vm [5] openjdk-jre-bin-17 php cli (if any): HEAD of ::gentoo commit ef1ab795aa5dcc6265df169e34ea23fa6001b737 Author: Repository mirror & CI <repomirrorci@gentoo.org> Date: Sat Nov 12 07:16:51 2022 +0000 2022-11-12 07:16:51 UTC emerge -qpvO net-libs/c-client [ebuild N ] net-libs/c-client-2007f-r7 USE="ipv6 pam ssl -chappa -doc -kerberos -static-libs -topal"
Created attachment 831881 [details] emerge-info.txt
Created attachment 831883 [details] emerge-history.txt
Created attachment 831885 [details] environment
Created attachment 831887 [details] etc.clang.tar.bz2
Created attachment 831889 [details] etc.portage.tar.bz2
Created attachment 831891 [details] net-libs:c-client-2007f-r7:20221112-075341.log
Created attachment 831893 [details] temp.tar.bz2
@leonid: if you can repro this with _p7, can you include the build.log please? thanks!
(In reply to Sam James from comment #8) > @leonid: if you can repro this with _p7, can you include the build.log > please? thanks! net-libs/c-client-2007f-r8 installed: emerge =net-libs/c-client-2007f-r8 -pvq [ebuild R ] net-libs/c-client-2007f-r8 USE="chappa doc ipv6 kerberos pam ssl topal -static-libs" i also tried to reinstall it - successfully, problem with p7 version: https://bugs.gentoo.org/893490