TITLE: Adobe Reader Local Files Detection Weakness SECUNIA ADVISORY ID: SA14813 VERIFY ADVISORY: http://secunia.com/advisories/14813/ CRITICAL: Not critical IMPACT: Exposure of system information WHERE: >From remote SOFTWARE: Adobe Reader 7.x http://secunia.com/product/4546/ DESCRIPTION: NISCC has reported a weakness in Adobe Reader, which can be exploited by malicious people to enumerate files on a user's system. The problem is caused due to an error in the "LoadFile()" method making it possible to determine if a queried local file exists. The weakness has been reported in version 7.0 and prior. SOLUTION: Update to version 7.0.1. PROVIDED AND/OR DISCOVERED BY: NISCC ORIGINAL ADVISORY: NISCC: http://www.niscc.gov.uk/niscc/docs/re-20050401-00264.pdf
printing, please verify/advise/bump.
Adding recent bumper, since herd is dead genstef: you added 7.0, please bump to 7.0.1
This is a Windows only issue, which the original email did not state. *shakes his fist at secunia*