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Bug 873616 - net-im/teams[system-ffmpeg]: Needs <media-video/ffmpeg-4.3
Summary: net-im/teams[system-ffmpeg]: Needs <media-video/ffmpeg-4.3
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Current packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal normal
Assignee: Stephan Hartmann (RETIRED)
Depends on:
Reported: 2022-09-30 07:20 UTC by Ladislav Zitka
Modified: 2022-10-01 02:40 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Ladislav Zitka 2022-09-30 07:20:46 UTC
I have installation of microsoft teams client which interacts with ffmpeg and I think this causing issue.

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1. emerge ffmpeg
Actual Results:  
Calculating dependencies... done!
[ebuild     U  ] media-video/ffmpeg-4.2.4-r2:0/56.58.58::gentoo [4.2.4-r1:0/56.58.58::gentoo] USE="X alsa bzip2 chromium encode gpl iconv mp3 network postproc pulseaudio samba sdl threads vaapi vdpau vorbis vpx x264 x265 zlib -amr -amrenc (-appkit) -bluray -bs2b -cdio -chromaprint -codec2 -cpudetection (-cuda) -dav1d -debug -doc -fdk -flite -fontconfig -frei0r -fribidi -gcrypt -gme -gmp -gnutls -gsm -hardcoded-tables -iec61883 -ieee1394 -jack -jpeg2k -kvazaar -ladspa -libaom -libaribb24 -libass -libcaca -libdrm -libilbc -librtmp -libsoxr -libtesseract -libv4l -libxml2 -lv2 -lzma (-mipsdspr1) (-mipsdspr2) (-mipsfpu) (-mmal) -modplug -nvenc -openal -opencl -opengl -openh264 -openssl -opus -oss -pic -rubberband -snappy -speex -srt -ssh -static-libs -svg -test -theora -truetype -twolame -v4l -vidstab -wavpack -webp -xvid -zeromq -zimg -zvbi" ABI_X86="(64) -32 (-x32)" CPU_FLAGS_X86="aes avx avx2 fma3 mmx mmxext sse sse2 sse3 sse4_1 sse4_2 ssse3 -3dnow -3dnowext -fma4 -xop" FFTOOLS="aviocat cws2fws ffescape ffeval ffhash fourcc2pixfmt graph2dot ismindex pktdumper qt-faststart sidxindex trasher" 0 KiB

Total: 1 package (1 upgrade), Size of downloads: 0 KiB

WARNING: One or more updates/rebuilds have been skipped due to a dependency conflict:


  (media-video/ffmpeg-4.4.2:0/56.58.58::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) USE="X alsa bzip2 chromium dav1d encode gnutls gpl iconv mp3 network postproc pulseaudio samba sdl threads vaapi vdpau vorbis vpx x264 x265 zlib (-amf) -amr -amrenc (-appkit) -bluray -bs2b -cdio -chromaprint -codec2 -cpudetection (-cuda) -debug -doc -fdk -flite -fontconfig -frei0r -fribidi -gcrypt -gme -gmp -gsm -hardcoded-tables -iec61883 -ieee1394 -jack -jpeg2k -kvazaar -ladspa -libaom -libaribb24 -libass -libcaca -libdrm -libilbc -librtmp -libsoxr -libtesseract -libv4l -libxml2 -lv2 -lzma (-mipsdspr1) (-mipsdspr2) (-mipsfpu) (-mmal) -modplug -nvenc -openal -opencl -opengl -openh264 -openssl -opus -oss -pic -rav1e -rubberband -snappy -sndio -speex -srt -ssh -static-libs -svg -svt-av1 -test -theora -truetype -twolame -v4l -verify-sig -vidstab (-vmaf) -vulkan -webp -xvid -zeromq -zimg -zvbi" ABI_X86="(64) -32 (-x32)" CPU_FLAGS_X86="aes avx avx2 fma3 mmx mmxext sse sse2 sse3 sse4_1 sse4_2 ssse3 -3dnow -3dnowext -fma4 -xop" FFTOOLS="aviocat cws2fws ffescape ffeval ffhash fourcc2pixfmt graph2dot ismindex pktdumper qt-faststart sidxindex trasher" conflicts with
    <media-video/ffmpeg-4.3[chromium] required by (net-im/teams-, installed) USE="swiftshader system-ffmpeg" ABI_X86="(64)" L10N="am ar bg bn ca cs da de el en-GB es es-419 et fa fi fil fr gu he hi hr hu id it ja kn ko lt lv ml mr ms nb nl pl pt-BR pt-PT ro ru sk sl sr sv sw ta te th tr uk vi zh-CN zh-TW"
    ^                   ^^^
Comment 1 Sam James archtester Gentoo Infrastructure gentoo-dev Security 2022-10-01 02:40:14 UTC
This is unfixable until teams updates their ffmpeg, or you can set USE=-system-ffmpeg on teams.