ok 13 /PolkitBackendLocalAuthority/check_authorization_sync_12 ok 14 /PolkitBackendLocalAuthority/check_authorization_sync_13 ok 15 /PolkitBackendLocalAuthority/check_authorization_sync_14 ** ERROR:test/polkitbackendlocalauthoritytest.c:138:test_get_admin_identities: assertion failed (stderr_ == ""): ("\n** (pkla-admin-identities:164): WARNING **: 01:38:42.208: Error parsing identity unix-netgroup:bar: Netgroups are not available on this machine ('unix-netgroup:bar')\n" == "") Bail out! ERROR:test/polkitbackendlocalauthoritytest.c:138:test_get_admin_identities: assertion failed (stderr_ == ""): ("\n** (pkla-admin-identities:164): WARNING **: 01:38:42.208: Error parsing identity unix-netgroup:bar: Netgroups are not available on this machine ('unix-netgroup:bar')\n" == "") FAIL: test/polkitbackendlocalauthoritytest ------------------------------------------------------------------- This is an unstable amd64 chroot image at a tinderbox (==build bot) name: 17.1_desktop_systemd-j4_test-20220307-094637 ------------------------------------------------------------------- gcc-config -l: [1] x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-11.2.1 * clang/llvm (if any): clang version 13.0.1 Target: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu Thread model: posix InstalledDir: /usr/lib/llvm/13/bin /usr/lib/llvm/13 13.0.1 Python 3.9.10 Available Ruby profiles: [1] ruby26 (with Rubygems) [2] ruby27 (with Rubygems) [3] ruby30 (with Rubygems) * Available Rust versions: [1] rust-bin-1.59.0 [2] rust-1.59.0 * The following VMs are available for generation-2: *) Eclipse Temurin JDK 11.0.14_p9 [openjdk-bin-11] 2) Eclipse Temurin JDK 8.322_p06 [openjdk-bin-8] Available Java Virtual Machines: [1] openjdk-bin-8 [2] openjdk-bin-11 system-vm The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 8.10.4 php cli: [1] php7.4 * [2] php8.0 [3] php8.1 HEAD of ::gentoo commit 29a5ca24e14045c47017bde5554b799dbe64c71d Author: Repository mirror & CI <repomirrorci@gentoo.org> Date: Sat Mar 12 00:15:09 2022 +0000 2022-03-12 00:15:08 UTC emerge -qpvO sys-auth/polkit-pkla-compat [ebuild N ] sys-auth/polkit-pkla-compat-0.1-r1
Created attachment 766808 [details] emerge-info.txt
Created attachment 766809 [details] emerge-history.txt.bz2
Created attachment 766810 [details] environment
Created attachment 766811 [details] etc.portage.tar.bz2
Created attachment 766812 [details] logs.tar.bz2
Created attachment 766813 [details] sys-auth:polkit-pkla-compat-0.1-r1:20220312-003834.log
Created attachment 766814 [details] temp.tar.bz2