Python 3.11 is progressing rapidly, which is great. Gentoo's Python ecosystem powered by "python-utils-r1.eclass" currently lacks Python 3.11 support, which is less great. In theory, allowing Python ebuilds to begin opting into Python 3.11 support (e.g., via the standard "PYTHON_COMPAT=( ... python3_11 )" one-liner) might be as trivial as amending "python-utils-r1.eclass" to read: _PYTHON_ALL_IMPLS=( pypy3 python3_{8..11} ) In practice, nothing is trivial. This is probably no exception. As always, I give thanks to the tireless Gentoo Python team for their back-breaking volunteerism. This bug's for you. Literally.
It's intentionally not yet been added because the features in 3.11 are still somewhat in flux (e.g tomli is about to go in) and testing packages with it now isn't valuable (we don't want people to start declaring Gentoo packages as 3.11 compatible yet because it doesn't mean much to be compatible as of a certain alpha). Your first sentence nails why we can't / shouldn't yet :) We'll be doing it once the betas look somewhat stable in terms of changes. We did the same with 3.10 and had it ready long before final release.
(Also, while we absolutely won't wait that late, breaking changes occurred during the betas last time, and we nearly had a crisis over it. Our caution is well-placed.)
We don't add support for a new Python until it reaches the first beta (i.e. feature freeze).