Since a lot of Dutch documentation is outdated, I made a list with the (sometimes heavy) outdated documents. Here it is: /doc/nl/alsa-guide.xml /doc/nl/altinstall.xml /doc/nl/ati-faq.xml /doc/nl/cvs-tutorial.xml /doc/nl/dri-howto.xml /doc/nl/ebuild-submit.xml /doc/nl/faq.xml /doc/nl/gentoo-alpha-compaq-tools.xml /doc/nl/gentoo-howto.xml /doc/nl/gentoo-kernel.xml /doc/nl/gentoo-ppc-faq.xml /doc/nl/gentoo-security.xml /doc/nl/gnupg-user.xml /doc/nl/guide-localization.xml /doc/nl/guide-to-mutt.xml /doc/nl/ipv6.xml /doc/nl/java.xml /doc/nl/nano-basics-guide.xml /doc/nl/new-upgrade-to-gentoo-1.4.xml /doc/nl/openafs.xml /doc/nl/prelink-howto.xml /doc/nl/printing-howto.xml /doc/nl/rsync.xml /doc/nl/source_mirrors.xml /doc/nl/uml.xml /doc/nl/vi-guide.xml /doc/nl/virt-mail-howto.xml /doc/nl/xml-guide.xml
Add to the list This was the cause of the problem described at Easier way to keep track?
FYI, Dutch translation has been unlinked from our docs. It is still available, but not linked from docs in other languages.
Most of them are out of date by now. Closing until Dutch renaissance kicks in.
Closing this bug as per Josh's request in gentoo-doc's ML.