All ebuilds in app-i18n/uim have privilege escalation vulnerability when you use it with immodule for Qt (if you build >=qt-3.3.2 with USE="immqt" or USE="immqt-bc" you will get immodule for Qt). This is fixed in uim- and uim-0.4.6_beta2.
usata, are there any setuid/setgid applications in the tree, which are linked against libuim? Otherwise we shouldn't be vulnerable... or am I overlooking something here? Anyways... accepting bug. arches, pls test and mark stable... uim- current KEYWORDS="x86 ~alpha ~ppc ~amd64 ~ppc64 ~sparc" target KEYWORDS="x86 alpha ppc amd64 ppc64 sparc"
vorlon: I just checked my Gentoo desktop, and found mlterm (USE="uim") is linked against libuim. It is setgid to utmp.
stable on ppc64
hppa team: please add ~hppa keyword to uim-0.4.6_beta2.ebuild as I removed uim-0.4.5-r1. (it was a snapshot from SVN repository)
sparc stable.
*** Bug 83165 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
stable on ppc
This is CAN-2005-0503
amd64 done
Stable on alpha.
seems ready for GLSA, security pls review removing hppa, cause it has been marked stable without notice no entry in Changelog! but cvs log gives: revision 1.4 date: 2005/02/24 05:48:29; author: vapier; state: Exp; lines: +9 -10 hppa KEYWORDS for mr bones and misc cleanup
Thx everyone. GLSA 200502-31
Already stable on hppa