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Bug 823053 - net-im/skypeforlinux should depend on gnome-base/gnome-keyring
Summary: net-im/skypeforlinux should depend on gnome-base/gnome-keyring
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Current packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal normal
Assignee: No maintainer - Look at if you want to take care of it
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Reported: 2021-11-11 10:31 UTC by Lori
Modified: 2024-01-02 21:00 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Lori 2021-11-11 10:31:41 UTC
If gnome-base/gnome-keyring is not installed, Skype logs you out each time you restart it and you have to re-login. I run KDE and for a log time I had enough GNOME software installed that gnome-keyring was pulled in. After a big cleanup of unused software gnome-keyring was removed as an unneeded dependency, and Skype started to ask for password every time I started it. I didn't realize the connection for a while, and while searching for a solution today, I found this:

Based on that I think the ebuild should have a dependency on gnome-keyring.

Reproducible: Always
Comment 1 Oliver Freyermuth 2022-01-05 15:28:12 UTC
Actually, it should be sufficient if any secret-service provider is installed, i.e. app-crypt/libsecret, which net-im/skypeforlinux already depends on. 
In turn, app-crypt/libsecret depends on virtual/secret-service, which depends on either gnome-keyring or keepassxc. 

However, the secret service provider needs to be running and activated — for example, since this can also be KeepassXC, as outlined here, it needs to be enabled as secret service:
In the future, KWallet in KDE might also be useful:

Installing and autoloading gnome-keyring blocks these other secret service providers (only one can be active), so this is likely unwanted on a KDE desktop. 

So I think the solution here would be to either:
- Activate the Secret Service API in KeepassXC (which you should have installed, pulled in via app-crypt/libsecret => virtual/secret-service). 
- Remove KeepassXC in case you don't use it, then gnome-keyring will be pulled in automatically this way, and become your secret service provider (i.e. Skype already has this dependency, but not "hard"). 
- Install gnome-keyring manually in case you explicitly want to use both keepassxc and gnome-keyring in parallel. 

See also #705132.
Comment 2 Lori 2022-01-07 13:50:47 UTC
OK, I wasn't aware of the Secret Service API, indeed, I have KeePassXC installed. I uninstalled gnome-keyring, and enabled the API in KeePassXC, I do see the authorization showing up in there, but every time I start Skype I have to log in again, and a new entry is created in KeePassXC, so something is not working there.

But that's a different issue, maybe a message after installation of Skype would be helpful to make people aware of the Secret Service API being used for storing credentials.

Thank you!