Since pam does not install static libraries anywhere, you do not need to worry about using gen_usr_ldscript. This patch removes the usr-ldscript eclass from inherit and installs the pam libraries in /$(get_libdir) instead of /usr/$(get_libdir).
Created attachment 742578 [details, diff] 0001-sys-libs-pam-drop-the-use-of-gen_usr_ldscript.patch u don't need a revbump for this since it affects a use flag. Please apply it or let me know if I can. Thanks, William
Why would you want to change the libdir directory?
Fun fact, sys-libs/pam-1.5.2-r1 inheriting usr-ldscript.eclass causes it to effectively switch to USE=-split-usr mode.
(In reply to Marek Szuba from comment #3) > Fun fact, sys-libs/pam-1.5.2-r1 inheriting usr-ldscript.eclass causes it to > effectively switch to USE=-split-usr mode. It doesn’t inherit it?