I noticed this while rebuilding net-analyzer/munin after upgrading Perl to 5.34; cd master && /usr/bin/perl -I. Build.PL Checking prerequisites... requires: ! HTML::Template is not installed ERRORS/WARNINGS FOUND IN PREREQUISITES. You may wish to install the versions of the modules indicated above before proceeding with this installation ie. it seems like it should DEPEND on dev-perl/HTML-Template? ALSO cd master && /usr/bin/perl -I. Build.PL No 'module_name' was provided and it could not be inferred from other properties. This will prevent a packlist from being written for this file. Please set either 'module_name' or 'dist_version_from' in Build.PL. Can't find dist packages without a MANIFEST file Run 'Build manifest' to generate one WARNING: Possible missing or corrupt 'MANIFEST' file. Nothing to enter for 'provides' field in metafile. Could not get valid metadata. Error is: Invalid metadata structure. Errors: 'unknown' for 'version' is not a valid version. (version) [Validation: 2] at /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl/5.34/Module/Build/Base.pm line 4565. Could not create MYMETA files Creating new 'Build' script for 'Munin::Master' version 'unknown' cd master && /usr/bin/perl Build Building Munin::Master Reproducible: Always
binhost ~ # emerge -pva net-analyzer/munin These are the packages that would be merged, in order: Calculating dependencies... done! [ebuild R ~] net-analyzer/munin-2.0.67-r3::gentoo USE="ipv6 minimal ssl syslog -apache2 -asterisk -cgi -dhcpd -doc -http -ipmi -irc -java -ldap -memcached -mysql -postgres (-selinux) -test" 0 KiB Total: 1 package (1 reinstall), Size of downloads: 0 KiB So I'm installing with USE="minimal"