Hi all, Recently I was thinking add MAC address randomization for my network device (eth0). I've followed the introduction in net.example file, and add the following lines to the network configuration file: /etc/conf.d/net mac_eth0 = "random-ending" Previously, there's a static IP address settings for this device: config_eth0=xx routes_etho=xx After I restart the net.eth0 service, then the MAC address do has changed, but the device isn't get auto UP. So I have to start it manually via: ip link set eth0 up. == To fix issue, I simply change the IP assign mode to dhcp: config_eth0="dhcp" Then there's no issue with device not auto UP. Could you please check with the possible cause of this issue? (settings or something..) Thanks on this!
I'm guessing this might cause about routing .. When mac_eth0 has been added, the log of starting the net service is something like: .. Adding routes default via xx.xx.xx.xx Error: Nexthop has invalid gateway. So even if I start this device manually, there's one route be missing, compared with the previously, not adding mac_eth0: default via xx.xx.xx.xx dev eth1 metric 2 (result of ip route)