mail-filter/amavisd-lite-1.3 ebuild request amavisd-lite is a high performance, scalable mail filter for postfix that does virus scanning, spam scanning (SpamAssassin), attachment filename scanning, and per user whitelist/blacklists. It is designed for use by ISPs and large email hosting providers. It is a complete rewrite based on Mark Martinec's amavisd-new It is designed to be more lightweight, with faster transaction times and less memory footprint than amavisd-new, at the expense of a minor loss of some of amavisd-new's flexibility. amavisd-lite runs as an LMTP mail content filter. This allows it to accept messages rapidly in from postfix, and insures that messages are evaluated on a per-user basis, and that the MTA recieves a per-user status for each message. All settings for amavisd-lite are stored in SQL, making for quick and easy integration and administration. It integrates seamlessly with the spamcontrol user settings interface, a package I will be releasing soon for public use. seems only to have the binary, is there somewhere to get the source code of the releases?
(In reply to comment #1) > seems only to have the binary, is there somewhere to get the source code of the releases? amavisd-lite is a perl script, the source code is there.
on bugday.g,o i saw some old requests of mine (amavisd-lite, mixmaster, etc) - "i dont request" these ebuild anymore. some requests are over 1 year old and if there are no other persons/requests for them, maybe resolution closed/later and putting time/energy in other bugs is a better idea.
closing - no more request - please reopen if needed ...
LATER per submitter request.