>>> Unpacking source... * If you have both freetds and mssql in your USE flags, parts of PHP * may not behave correctly, or may give strange warnings. You have * been warned! It's recommended that you pick ONE of them. For sybase * support, chose 'freetds'. For mssql support choose 'mssql'. I think that this should done so that we first check for use flags and if the user has both of them set we say something like "You have both...". There is no need to bother users who don't have either one of these set. See http://a.bo.cx/gentoo/ for full logs. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: aria gentoo # emerge -pv php These are the packages that I would merge, in order: Calculating dependencies ...done! [ebuild R ] dev-php/php-4.3.10 +X +berkdb +crypt -curl -debug -doc -fdftk -firebird -flash -freetds -gd -gd-external +gdbm -gmp -hardenedphp -imap -informix -ipv6 +java +jpeg -kerberos -ldap -mcal -memlimit -mssql +mysql +ncurses +nls -oci8 -odbc +pam +pdflib +png -postgres +qt +readline -snmp +spell +ssl +tiff +truetype +xml2 -yaz 0 kB Total size of downloads: 0 kB
This is not a bug.