recently i started to use the advanced title options in xmms-1.2.10-r9 one of the options being able to set it so if a piece of info isnt set %?c(%c) this for example will display the comment if its set but doing so adds %cc() to every title displayed if comment is set or not i could put up with the extra set of () in the title but the %cc needs to go Best of Inuyasha: Seifumeigetsu - ANGELUS (TV-size) %cc(ANGELUS アンジェラス) for example is displayed now with this bug Best of Inuyasha: Seifumeigetsu - ANGELUS (TV-size) (ANGELUS アンジェラス) or Best of Inuyasha: Seifumeigetsu - ANGELUS (TV-size) ANGELUS アンジェラス would be nice to have instead
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