Created attachment 650022 [details] build.log TEST checkasm-fixed_dsp checkasm: using random seed 1326862491 test failed comparing 1351.1 with 1351.1 (abs diff=0.00012207 with EPS=6.2e-05) 138: 1351.096191406250 - 1351.096313476562 = -0.0001220703125 SSE3: fcmul_add_sse3 (af_afir.c:59) - af_afir.fcmul_add [FAILED] AVX: - af_afir.fcmul_add [OK] checkasm: 1 of 2 tests have failed
Created attachment 650024 [details] emerge --info
Thanks, would've looked at this back then if I maintained this but at this point I'll close test-related bugs that aren't for the current versions that I cannot reproduce. Feel free to open a new one if still affected.