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Bug 7309 - bootstrap sh and stage one installation docs
Summary: bootstrap sh and stage one installation docs
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: [OLD] Core system (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal blocker
Assignee: John Davis (zhen) (RETIRED)
Depends on:
Reported: 2002-08-31 14:06 UTC by David Cozatt
Modified: 2002-11-30 01:16 UTC (History)
8 users (show)

See Also:
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Runtime testing required: ---


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Description David Cozatt 2002-08-31 14:06:01 UTC
Several bugs attributed to overwrites /etc/mske.conf by the script 
could be fixed if the install docs build.html and install.txt on the iso's 
could be changed to read: 
Users are should edit Use settings in /etc/ for their cpu type. 
This would also be a good time to set proocessor specific options like sse2 mmx 
3dnow and etc.  
When the user edits this file they will uncomment the appropriate lines for 
there cpu type and this should eliminate bugs 4620 and 4673. 
Also by reading this file the user is instructed to add "export 
RSYNC_PROXY="host:port" to a file. if its /etc/profile and it is sourced the 
proxy should work. This might elimainate bug 6011. Although setting all three 
lines in the environment maybe necessary
Comment 1 Mark Guertin 2002-11-21 14:58:18 UTC
afaik the portage side of this is all done.. the overwriting the make.conf was
an invalid bug to start with! 
Comment 2 John Davis (zhen) (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2002-11-21 20:19:13 UTC
is this a valid (doc)bug then, if it is fixed in portage?
Comment 3 David Cozatt 2002-11-26 09:50:25 UTC
From the install x86 instruction guide: Date 11/29/02

Now that you have a working copy of the Portage tree, people using stage1 to
install will need to bootstrap
their Gentoo Linux system as follows. First edit the file /etc/make.conf. In
this file, you should set your
USE flags, which specify optional functionality that you would like to be built
into packages; generally, the
defaults (an empty or unset USE variable) are fine. More information on USE
flags can be found here. 

Users who come to gentoo and install the 1.2 stage1 are still reporting that 
make.conf gets overwritten when they boostrap. Maybe it is fixed in later
releases. Maybe for some it is an invalid bug. But it is reported by people on
irc and I experienced it.

This is frustrating to some new users. It should be either fixed in the 1.2
stage1 or the install doc needs to be updated to tell users not to edit
make.conf till bootstrapping is finished. Not sure about the 1.4-rc1 stage1
have no experience with it.

DJ Cozatt
Comment 4 Mark Guertin 2002-11-26 09:59:15 UTC
make.conf gets _Temporarily_ overwritten.  It's the same in 1.0, 1.2, 1.4, etc.
 If the usr rsyncs a current portage tree 9which they have to), then the fix is
there no matter what version they are installing.  (the "fix" was to prevent
users that cntrl+c the bootstrap process from not having the original make.conf

This is invalid.  AFAIK even all the rsync proxy and the like are fixed in as well and have been for some time, but can't confirm at this moment.
Comment 5 John Davis (zhen) (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2002-11-30 00:06:25 UTC
Well, if gerk says this is invalid, then I will take his word ;-)

Comment 6 Mark Guertin 2002-11-30 01:16:31 UTC
>> "It should be either fixed in the 1.2  
>> stage1 or the install doc needs to be   
>> updated to tell users not to edit  
>> make.conf till bootstrapping is finished."  
1) there is no included in stages, you pull the fixed one on  
first emerge rsync  
2) you need to edit your make.conf before if you want your 
settings to do anything :) 
3) it no longers has an issue where if you cntrl+c out it doesn't get swapped  
back (has been fixed for a while now, regradless of using 1.0, 1.2, 1.4 (comes  
again from portage tree) it _is_ however swapped to at start 
of bootstrap and on exit (normal or contrl+c) is put back to make.conf.  If 
you do something like crash hard or power down your box during bootstrap it 
may not get replaced, but that should be about it. 
So nothing to worry about anymore (used to be valid at one point)