After emerging alsa 1.0.7-r1 I can't start alsa sound anymore. The source of the problem seems to be the system's unability to load the required kernel modules: * Loading ALSA drivers ... * Loading: snd-card-0 ... [ !! ] * Loading: snd-mixer-oss ... [ !! ] * Loading: snd-pcm-oss ... [ !! ] * Loading: snd-seq-oss ... [ !! ] * Loading: snd-seq ... [ !! ] * ERROR: Failed to load necessary drivers [ ok ] The modutils are a bit more talkative: /lib/modules/2.4.26-grsec-2.0/kernel/sound/acore/snd-page-alloc.o: couldn't find the kernel version the module was compiled for /lib/modules/2.4.26-grsec-2.0/kernel/sound/acore/snd-page-alloc.o: insmod /lib/modules/2.4.26-grsec-2.0/kernel/sound/acore/snd-page-alloc.o failed /lib/modules/2.4.26-grsec-2.0/kernel/sound/acore/snd-page-alloc.o: insmod snd-card-0 failed /lib/modules/2.4.26-grsec-2.0/kernel/sound/acore/snd-page-alloc.o: couldn't find the kernel version the module was compiled for /lib/modules/2.4.26-grsec-2.0/kernel/sound/acore/snd-page-alloc.o: insmod /lib/modules/2.4.26-grsec-2.0/kernel/sound/acore/snd-page-alloc.o failed /lib/modules/2.4.26-grsec-2.0/kernel/sound/acore/snd-page-alloc.o: insmod snd-mixer-oss failed /lib/modules/2.4.26-grsec-2.0/kernel/sound/acore/snd-page-alloc.o: couldn't find the kernel version the module was compiled for /lib/modules/2.4.26-grsec-2.0/kernel/sound/acore/snd-page-alloc.o: insmod /lib/modules/2.4.26-grsec-2.0/kernel/sound/acore/snd-page-alloc.o failed /lib/modules/2.4.26-grsec-2.0/kernel/sound/acore/snd-page-alloc.o: insmod snd-pcm-oss failed /lib/modules/2.4.26-grsec-2.0/kernel/sound/acore/snd-page-alloc.o: couldn't find the kernel version the module was compiled for /lib/modules/2.4.26-grsec-2.0/kernel/sound/acore/snd-page-alloc.o: insmod /lib/modules/2.4.26-grsec-2.0/kernel/sound/acore/snd-page-alloc.o failed /lib/modules/2.4.26-grsec-2.0/kernel/sound/acore/snd-page-alloc.o: insmod snd-seq-oss failed /lib/modules/2.4.26-grsec-2.0/kernel/sound/acore/snd-page-alloc.o: couldn't find the kernel version the module was compiled for /lib/modules/2.4.26-grsec-2.0/kernel/sound/acore/snd-page-alloc.o: insmod /lib/modules/2.4.26-grsec-2.0/kernel/sound/acore/snd-page-alloc.o failed /lib/modules/2.4.26-grsec-2.0/kernel/sound/acore/snd-page-alloc.o: insmod snd-seq failed cat: /proc/asound/cards: No such file or directory Here's the output of "emerge info" on my system: Portage 2.0.51-r3 (default-linux/x86/2004.0, gcc-3.4.2, glibc-, 2.4.26-grsec-2.0 i686) ================================================================= System uname: 2.4.26-grsec-2.0 i686 AMD Athlon(tm) XP 1800+ Gentoo Base System version 1.6.6 Autoconf: sys-devel/autoconf-2.59-r5 Automake: sys-devel/automake-1.8.5-r1 Binutils: sys-devel/binutils- Headers: sys-kernel/linux-headers-2.4.22,sys-kernel/linux-headers-2.4.19-r1 Libtools: sys-devel/libtool-1.5.2-r7 ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="x86 ~x86" AUTOCLEAN="yes" CFLAGS="-O3 -pipe -fstack-protector -march=athlon-xp -mfpmath=sse -msse -mmmx -m3dnow" CHOST="i686-pc-linux-gnu" COMPILER="" CONFIG_PROTECT="/etc /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb /usr/kde/2/share/config /usr/kde/3.1/share/config /usr/kde/3.2/share/config /usr/kde/3.3/env /usr/kde/3.3/share/config /usr/kde/3.3/shutdown /usr/kde/3/share/config /usr/lib/fax /usr/lib/mozilla/defaults/pref /usr/share/config /usr/share/texmf/dvipdfm/config/ /usr/share/texmf/dvips/config/ /usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/config/ /usr/share/texmf/tex/platex/config/ /usr/share/texmf/xdvi/ /var/qmail/control /var/spool/fax/etc" CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK="/etc/gconf /etc/terminfo /etc/env.d" CXXFLAGS="-O3 -pipe -fstack-protector -march=athlon-xp -mfpmath=sse -msse -mmmx-m3dnow" DISTDIR="/usr/portage/distfiles" FEATURES="autoaddcvs autoconfig ccache distlocks fixpackages loadpolicy sandboxsfperms usersandbox" GENTOO_MIRRORS="" MAKEOPTS="-j2" PKGDIR="/usr/portage/packages" PORTAGE_TMPDIR="/var/tmp" PORTDIR="/usr/portage" PORTDIR_OVERLAY="" SYNC="rsync://" USE="3dnow 3dnowex X aac aalib aavm acl acpi acpi4linux apache2 apm arts artswrappersuid audiofile avi bash-completion bdf berkdb bitmap-fonts bluetooth bonobobzlib caps cddb cdf cdparanoia cdr chroot cjk codecs cpdflib crypt cscope cups curl curlwrappers db2 dba dbase dbm dbmaker dbx dga dio divx4linux doc dv dvb dvd dvdr dvdread encode erandom esd exif f2c f77 faac faad fam ffmpeg fftw flac flatfile foomaticdb fortran gcj gd gdbm gif gimp gimpprint glut gnokii gnome gphoto2 gpm gps graphviz gs gtk gtk2 gtkhtml guile hardened hardenedphp hbci ieee1394image imagekits imagemagick imap imlib imlib2 innodb iodbc ipv6 irda java javacomm javascript jikes jp2 jpeg kde lcms ldap libg++ libwww live lzo lzw lzw-tiff mad mailbox maildir makecheck mbox mcal md5sum memlimit mhash mikmod mime mmx mmx2 mng moneyplex monkey motif mozcalendar mozilla mp3 mpeg mpeg4 mpi mplayer msdav mule mysql mythtv nas native ncurses netcdf nis nls nvidia oav odbc offensiveoggvorbis ooo-kde openal opengl oss pam pcre pda pdflib perl php physfs pic pieplotutils png pnp portaudio posix ppds python qt quicktime quotas readline realrecode rtc ruby samba sasl scanner sdl slang smime snmp sockets speedo speex spell spl sqlite sse ssl stencil-buffer svga tcltk tcpd tetex theora threads tidy tiff tokenizer transcode truetype truetype-fonts trusted type1 usb uudeview v4l videos wmf x86 xemacs xfs xine xml xml2 xmms xosd xv xvid zlib" Note: If there's a duplicate of this bug filed already, I do apologize. I've done my best to search gentoo's bugzilla for the symptomatic described above...
Did an emerge -C alsa-lib alsa-driver and reemerged both modules. Interestingly, the kernel version is detected correctly when initiiating the compile process: > emerge alsa-driver Calculating dependencies ...done! >>> emerge (1 of 1) media-sound/alsa-driver-1.0.7-r1 to / >>> md5 src_uri ;-) alsa-driver-1.0.7.tar.bz2 * Determining the location of the kernel source code * Found kernel source directory: * /usr/src/linux * with sources for kernel version: * 2.4.26-grsec-2.0 * Using KV_OBJ=o
Could this be a hint in the right direction?:
Updating the kernel to version 2.4.28-grsec-2.0.2 and emerging alsa-driver anew solved the problem. If no one else has this sort of problem, this bug may be closed.
closing unless someone else has this problem...