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Bug 7222 - Reverse emerge & portage could be self-supporting ?!?
Summary: Reverse emerge & portage could be self-supporting ?!?
Alias: None
Product: Portage Development
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Core (show other bugs)
Hardware: x86 Linux
: High enhancement
Assignee: Portage team
Depends on:
Reported: 2002-08-29 10:20 UTC by Rigo
Modified: 2011-10-30 22:37 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Rigo 2002-08-29 10:20:40 UTC
Wouldn't it be nice if we could reverse emerge in a way it does the job the
other way around ?

ie: Instead of looking locally the latest ebuild, look for the latest source (&
create an ebuild of of the last known good working ebuild ?

So you can give it 'your' list of ebuilds (PORTDIR_OVERLAY/packages.maintained
?) & it crawls for new source/ebuilds during the night ?

Would be a neat tool for package-maintainers ;-D


Comment 1 SpanKY gentoo-dev 2002-08-29 13:50:09 UTC
not sure what you're going for ...
you saying you want something that automatically determines if an existing 
ebuild is the latest version of the package ?
Comment 2 Rigo 2002-08-29 14:18:38 UTC
Yep...To clarify:

emerge --check-builds  would use SRC_URI - P (by ncftp instead of wget for
instance ?) to check the ftp-site for a change (by date/version)...Ultimately
you could make it transform your last ebuild and test if the new source-version
compiled...If so, it could mail me/tell me afterwards there is a new
source-release (and eventually learn how to build .ebuilds different ways, check
if it compiles the max/mid/minimum way & tell you in the morning ?) 

As a maintainer of many packages you could feed it an input-file every night
with your packages (or all of them ;) and it would tell you automatic there's
work to do/already done it...

And it would make Gentoo the first complete self-supporting OS :-D !

Comment 3 Alain Penders (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-02-02 13:03:35 UTC
I like this idea as a tool for the package maintainers (who shouldn't necessarily
need it, as they should be aware of new releases).  For end-users, however, it
totally defeats any Gentoo Quality Assurance, and the resulting system would be
totally unsupportable by anyone other than its owner.
Comment 4 Marius Mauch (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-06-02 21:58:44 UTC
Checking the homepage and bumping the ebuild isn't so hard, also this would add a lot of complexity, so I'm not a big fan of this. Also it's very old and doesn't seem to have many fans ;)
Comment 5 Rigo 2005-03-22 16:49:37 UTC
Then why do I read about it on today :-P ?

hihi, thx!

Comment 6 Brian Harring (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-03-23 00:48:54 UTC
Because it's in reference to
cpan builds are pretty straightforward, follow a common protocol.  This wouldn't work for anything but pkgs that follow such conventions (a rarity).  Kind of a difference from what your proposing...
Comment 7 Rigo 2005-03-23 02:13:33 UTC
Sorry, I was more refering to the meatoo-script of Rob (pythonhead):

meatoo downloads an RSS feed from freshmeat with all the releases for the last 24 hours. It then checks each freshmeat package name against portage's packages and shows any matches:

Checking for new releases on freshmeat with matches in portage...
linphone 1.0.0

Fenice 1.9


See the TODO for some nifty ideas I have for it.

If you see the TODO:

    * Show releases in a menu. Use "" to bump up packages automagically!

    * Option to show only packages you have installed.
    * Database where you can map freshmeat package names to Gentoo package names
      i.e. "The Stupid Package" => "stupidpkg"
    * Keep database of packages that fail to auto-bump with bumper.
      (Usually due to drainbramaged SRC_URI)
    * For developers: Optionally check only packages for herds you're in.

Sooooooo, yes. Different implementation, same result. 

(Actually I ESPECIALLY like the NOT-TODO (in text, not implementation, don't worry ;-))


    * Make another script to fill up with bump requests automatically.
      Don't even think about it. 

:-) Rigo