These three utilities (one of them not being in dev-util, what a shame) are very helpful in packaging rust applications. Seeing that rust is keyworded for arm and arm64, it would be nice to properly have them available on these platforms
Sanity check failed: > app-misc/cargo-license-0.3.0 > bdepend ~arm dev profile default/linux/arm/17.0/armv4 (15 total) > >=virtual/rust-1.37.0 > dev-util/cargo-ebuild-0.3.0 > bdepend ~arm dev profile default/linux/arm/17.0/armv4 (15 total) > >=virtual/rust-1.37.0 > dev-util/cargo-tree-0.29.0 > bdepend ~arm dev profile default/linux/arm/17.0/armv4 (15 total) > >=virtual/rust-1.37.0
Dropping ~arm for now since packages have to be masked and I currently don't have a system to test them
All sanity-check issues have been resolved
~arm64 added; re-adding arm so we don't forget
Sanity check failed: > dev-util/cargo-ebuild-0.3.0 > bdepend ~arm dev profile default/linux/arm/17.0/armv4 (15 total) > >=virtual/rust-1.37.0 > app-misc/cargo-license-0.3.0 > bdepend ~arm dev profile default/linux/arm/17.0/armv4 (15 total) > >=virtual/rust-1.37.0 > dev-util/cargo-tree-0.29.0 > bdepend ~arm dev profile default/linux/arm/17.0/armv4 (15 total) > >=virtual/rust-1.37.0
bug 677018 needs the rust mask too
(In reply to Sam James (sec padawan) from comment #6) > bug 677018 needs the rust mask too and bug 706438
I've got a rpi2 all set up for testing, what can I do to help with this?
(In reply to tt_1 from comment #8) > I've got a rpi2 all set up for testing, what can I do to help with this? You could setup a stable chroot for arm and use tatt ( to check that these work on your Pi 2. I can help with this if you come speak to me in #gentoo-arm. Help with other bugs would be great too.
removing arm to stop the spam removing cargo-tree, it's now part of rust-1.44.0 and cargo-tree package will be treecleaned soon.
Unable to check for sanity: > no match for package: app-misc/cargo-license
I've moved cargo-license to dev-util all packages already keyworded on ~arm64 Not adding arm at this time as rust is not universally keyworded there on all variants. see nothing to do here. feel free to re-open if you feel it's wrong.