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Bug 72150 - net-www/opera-7.60alpha3 segfaults
Summary: net-www/opera-7.60alpha3 segfaults
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All All
: High major
Assignee: Heinrich Wendel (RETIRED)
Depends on:
Reported: 2004-11-22 15:41 UTC by Tobias Minich
Modified: 2004-12-07 14:50 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Tobias Minich 2004-11-22 15:41:56 UTC
The new Opera preview segfaults for me at about the third link I click, which makes it pretty much unusable. Unfortunately the alpha2 ebuild is gone which pretty much worked =(

I'm happy to provide any needed info.
Comment 1 Tobias Minich 2004-11-22 15:51:16 UTC
I'd like to add that I know this is a very bad bug report, but I just don't know what I could try to clear it up. Any ideas welcome.
The only thing I can say is that deleting the settings (~/.opera) doesn't help.
Comment 2 Ryan Hill (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-11-22 23:08:50 UTC
hi there.  i don't use opera, so i can't help you out there, but i'd like to offer some hopefully helpful suggestions.

first, downgrade the priority from blocker.  blocker is really a status reserved for majorly huge problems that would bring gentoo to a grinding halt if it isn't resolved ASAP.  since opera-7.60_alpha3 is an alpha package and is hard masked (which means it most likely isn't working at all and should only be used by people who are actively doing development work on it), it would probably be more suited to a different priority (ie. normal). 

you can find a package's status here:;name=opera

if it's got a red M, it means it's definitely not ready for users yet, and is probably very very broken, as you've found.  ;]
Comment 3 Tobias Minich 2004-11-23 01:45:27 UTC
Ok, maybe I overreacted a bit out of annoyance =) 
I'm simply not used to working things getting replaced (as in old-ebuild-gone-from-portage) by something uttely non-working.
Additionally I can now say that the problem is definately alpha3 related, not to something else I did. I went down to alpha2 via ebuild fetched from cvs and it works like it did before.
Comment 4 Heinrich Wendel (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-11-25 00:49:29 UTC
that's why it's called alpha and package.masked, sorry
Comment 5 Tobias Minich 2004-12-07 14:50:57 UTC
Any news from upstream? Bug persists in Preview 4.