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Bug 71179 - Creation of ebuild for jwchat
Summary: Creation of ebuild for jwchat
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High enhancement
Assignee: Default Assignee for New Packages
Depends on:
Reported: 2004-11-14 09:49 UTC by Kent Martin
Modified: 2012-11-02 17:40 UTC (History)
5 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

jwchat-1.0beta2 that depends on punjab (jwchat-1.0_beta2.ebuild,1.75 KB, text/plain)
2005-09-03 01:06 UTC, Slobodan D. Sredojevic
jwchat ebuild - supports both live and tarball ebuilds (jwchat-xxx.ebuild,2.82 KB, text/plain)
2008-01-25 00:27 UTC, Mike Nerone
The post-install instructions file required by the above ebuild. (postinstall-en.txt,483 bytes, text/plain)
2008-01-25 00:37 UTC, Mike Nerone

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Kent Martin 2004-11-14 09:49:58 UTC
JWChat is a comprehensive javascript jabber client.

It would be great to see an ebuild for this created. JWChat's homepage is

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
Comment 1 Slobodan D. Sredojevic 2005-09-03 01:06:59 UTC
Created attachment 67540 [details]
jwchat-1.0beta2 that depends on punjab
Comment 2 Slobodan D. Sredojevic 2005-09-03 01:12:01 UTC

Ebuild I have written is working well for me but it is unfinished atm. To do so
I need advice from net-im people.

- JWChat beside punjab, that is an external package and dependancy (#98455), can 
  also use servlet already included in jwchat tarball. This brings/pulls a lot 
  of dependencies, mostly java stuff like jre, tomcat etc. Is it good enough to 
  write ebuild this way: if there is USE="+java" then use internall servlet, 
  otherwise fallback to using punjab for all people who don't like installing 
  non-free java implementations on their servers?

- this is minor: jwchat uses several swf files for the notification. This means 
  we should include net-www/netscape-flash as the dependency. This package is 
  very known for its security problems (at least I see it very often in GLSA 
  paper) and other solutions like  net-www/gplflash and media-libs/swfdec are 
  not mature enough (they are hardly usefull as they crash firefox all the 
  time). What do you think about this one too? I'll also call jwchat author 
  (Stefan Strigler) to comment on this.

Comment 3 Slobodan D. Sredojevic 2005-09-03 14:51:40 UTC
My mistake. There is nothing that tell us we must use only one -- servlet or
punjab.  So, I'll update ebuild, if you agree, to:
1) install both, servlet and punjab, if there is java useflag set
2) install only punjab if java useflag is not set

Comment 4 Mark 2005-10-29 12:26:03 UTC
I have downloaded the ebuild but cant seem to get it to work. I have stored it
in /usr/portage/net-im/jwchat. I am not sure if this is the right place or if it
should be www-apps/. In any event I get

Calculating dependencies   visible(): invalid cat/pkg-v:

When trying to emerge it.
Comment 5 Mark 2005-10-29 12:29:54 UTC
ok figured it out the ebuild should be called jwchat-1.0_beta2.ebuild
Comment 6 Mike Nerone 2008-01-25 00:27:33 UTC
Created attachment 141737 [details]
jwchat ebuild - supports both live and tarball ebuilds

Here's my ebuild for jwchat. It supports both tarball ebuilds (e.g. put it in your portage overlay as net-im/jwchat/jwchat-1.0_beta3.ebuild) and live ebuilds, pulling jwchat from CVS, and jsjac and jsdebug from their respective subversion repositories (simply put in the ebuild as net-im/jwchat/jwchat-99999.ebuild).

BTW, a CVS build of jwchat typically allows you to install *either* the files that support mod_negotiation under apache (e.g. file.html.en and such), *or* to choose one specific language at installation time, with the language-suffixes removed completely. However, upstream's tarball installation only supports the mod_negotiation method. In order to have the ebuild support both types of install, I elected to have it support only the mod_negotiation method even for live builds. This should be find for anyone running Apache as long as you have mod_negotiation turned on, as it is by default (even Apache's provided error_docs use this feature).

Another thing I should mention is the USE flags. First, this ebuild uses the webapp eclass, and therefore supports the webapp USE flag. Thus, you can use webapp-config to install it into multiple VirtualHosts. I also put in an "openfire" USE flag. I use openfire as my XMPP/Jabber server myself, and it requires two tiny tweeks to jwchat (actually one of them is to jsjac) in order to work. This USE flag turns on those tweeks.

Regarding the previous dependency questions:

punjab is not required by jwchat, and should not be a dependency at all. If you happen to be using an XMPP/Jabber server that doesn't support HTTP Binding/Polling, and you therefore need to install a gateway service, then punjab is just one such choice (another would be JabberHTTPBind). In any case, installing such a gateway service should be done by a separate ebuild.

As far as the flash dependency question, again, flash is not a dependency of jwchat. jwchat is normally installed on a *server*. It's the client web browser that needs flash - the server doesn't need it installed at all.
Comment 7 Mike Nerone 2008-01-25 00:37:22 UTC
Created attachment 141739 [details]
The post-install instructions file required by the above ebuild.

Here's the postinstall-en.txt file to be displayed by webapp-config when jwchat is installed into a virtual host. There's probably some other helpful info that could be stuck in there - this is just my first pass at it.
Comment 8 Sergey Popov (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2012-11-02 17:40:22 UTC
Dead project. Upstream says: 

'This project is being discontinued. Use at your own risk! ;)'

Closing as WONTFIX