Ok, so this is SUPER trivial, but I'd like to suggest that in addition to the lovely Gentoo logo in the xoofffice startup splash, it really needs a ximian logo as well. Much as I'm usually confident that I'm running xoowriter and not oowriter, I do have systems where both are installed and I'd 100% like to know that I'm running the Ximian patch set. I can think of no better place for such a visual than the startup splash and the about us splash. Hell, I'll do the artwork (gee, so tough) if you want. AfC Sydney P.S. I *do* love the gentoo/oo logo.
Actually openoffice-ximian is not anymore "ximian"-only anymore (even if the name still sounds like...) it is a multi-distro-effort. The splash screen is used to show who provided the build, that's also how all the other distros do it. To add to that, I'm not even sure, if it would be legally ok to use the ximian logo in the splash screen, so all in all: Won't change it (even if I like their logo a lot too ;) )
Fair enough. [I assume you're NOT using the Gentoo-ized splash in the ordinary openoffice builds?] Again, the real point was just to be obvious one was launching the version one expected one was launching. [ie, menus are very secretive about this sort of thing] AfC Sydney