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Bug 709568 - [TRACKER] cargo.eclass and *-sys crates
Summary: [TRACKER] cargo.eclass and *-sys crates
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Current packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal normal
Assignee: Gentoo Rust Project
Keywords: Tracker
Depends on: 695844 730252 730254 732222
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Reported: 2020-02-14 03:28 UTC by Georgy Yakovlev
Modified: 2025-03-03 02:11 UTC (History)
10 users (show)

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Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Georgy Yakovlev archtester gentoo-dev 2020-02-14 03:28:03 UTC
many *-sys crates (bindings) compile own private version of library if the library is not found on the system. Often such dependencies are overlooked and can lead to automagic dependencies and breakage.

Let's find and fix those type of bugs and make sure packages depend on system libraries.
Comment 1 Kent Fredric (IRC: kent\n) (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2020-02-15 08:22:28 UTC
Given what I've seen with similar things in Perl space, I'd think it pertinent in some cases to have a USE="system-foo" flag in various places, and then:

- If the use is not specified, *always* use the bundled copy
- If the use is specified, *always* use the system copy

Partly because the system dependency can change not only A[B]I, but A[P]I, and as a result, can break tests, and dependent logic.

And then we can set the default USE to whatever is the most reliable, and allow puritans to flip the system- flag if they'd rather.

Also, the API dependency can be a very narrow version range ( eg: an == dep ), and this can severely mess up portage's capacity to handle things.

And ... to make matters worse, there can be a known minimum version at the time of publication, but the maximum supported version might not be known until much, much later. ( Making == over-specific, but > underspecific )
Comment 2 Georgy Yakovlev archtester gentoo-dev 2020-05-29 02:22:13 UTC
know crates to use bundled lib by default unless instructed to use system one:

> libgit2-sys // dev-libs/libgit2-0.99:=
requires setting export PKG_CONFIG_ALLOW_CROSS=1 and export LIBGIT2_SYS_USE_PKG_CONFIG=1 to force usage of system version
for quite a long time used private apis from git version, not available in 0.28 yet. slot 0/1.0 is fine with current crate versions.

> libssh2-sys // net-libs/libssh2:=

> jemalloc-sys-0.3.2 // >=dev-libs/jemalloc-5.1.0:= || comes with jemallocator crate

requires setting 
> use elibc_musl || export JEMALLOC_OVERRIDE="${ESYSROOT}/usr/$(get_libdir)/"
Comment 3 Georgy Yakovlev archtester gentoo-dev 2020-05-29 02:23:25 UTC
another one is oniguruma-sys.
will update sys-apps/bat to use system version and will update details here how to do it properly.
Comment 4 Georgy Yakovlev archtester gentoo-dev 2020-06-30 20:20:54 UTC
another point about -sys crates

-lto flags will produce a falure.
see bugs #730252 #730254
Comment 5 Georgy Yakovlev archtester gentoo-dev 2020-06-30 20:32:36 UTC

was required for onig-sys to use system library in sys-apps/bat
Comment 6 Georgy Yakovlev archtester gentoo-dev 2021-06-20 08:53:04 UTC
another offender, serious one


sometimes needs
> export OPENSSL_NO_VENDOR=true

to stop compiling private copy
Comment 7 YOSHIOKA Takuma 2022-07-22 13:54:27 UTC
(In reply to Georgy Yakovlev from comment #4)
> another point about -sys crates
> -lto flags will produce a falure.
> see bugs #730252 #730254

Is there common way or recommended Gentoo way to avoid LTO (especially `CFLAGS=-flto`) issues?
I think `CFLAGS+=-fno-lto` is possible workaround, but is it recommended to prepare `USE=system-foo`?


Other packages (I'm the maintainer of these ebuilds) that fail to compile due to (maybe) LTO:

- media-gfx/oxipng-5.0.1::guru (#860063)
    + Fails with `CFLAGS=-flto`, and compiles with `CFLAGS=-fno-lto`.
    + `libdeflate-sys` crate?
- media-gfx/silicon-0.4.3::guru (#860069)
    + Fails with `CFLAGS=-flto`, and compiles with `CFLAGS=-fno-lto`.
    + `onig_sys` crate?

And the below (not by me) also seems to fail with the same reasons:

- dev-util/cargo-audit-0.17.0 (#858323)
    + `libgit2-sys` crate?
- dev-util/cargo-c-0.9.9 (#858329)
    + `libgit2-sys` crate?
- dev-util/cargo-ebuild-0.5.1 (#858332)
    + `libgit2-sys` crate?
Comment 8 Lucio Sauer 2023-06-21 09:22:50 UTC
Setting LIBGIT2_SYS_USE_PKG_CONFIG=1 to force the system library for libgit2-sys is no longer necessary since libgit2-sys-0.12.2. Having a library installed which satisfies the version range (>=1.6.4 <1.7 as of 06-2023) suffices.
Comment 9 Lucio Sauer 2023-06-21 16:15:29 UTC
> --feature "pkg-config"

zstd-sys-2.0.7 and up
> --feature "pkg-config" || export ZSTD_SYS_USE_PKG_CONFIG=1
Comment 10 Anna Vyalkova 2024-01-14 11:59:18 UTC
I've put some workarounds on the wiki for visibility.