My experience with Gentoo 17.0 -> 17.1 profile update. I ran into some problems when upgrading 17.0 to 17.1 Gentoo profile. Below is a brief report with only workarounds. I didn't copy each exact error, as the cause is likely due to out-of-order dependency rebuilding. Upon: # emerge -1 -q --deep /lib32 /usr/lib32 /usr/lib/llvm/*/lib32 1) portaudio failed, removed depending packages including removing portaudio # emerge -cq portaudio guvcview audacity 2) libraw failed to build, removed depending packages as well as removing libraw # emerge -cq libraw imagemagick luminance-hdr gegl # echo "media-libs/libraw" >> /etc/portage/package/mask Some packages, such as gegl had older versions installed, requiring more gegl versions to be uninstalled. 3) libv4l failed to build. Disabled v4l USE flag, removed depends. # echo "USE="${USE} -v4l"" >> /etc/make.conf # emerge -cq libv4l gst-plugins-v4l2 # eselect opengl set 1 (to opengl instead of nvidia, but likely not needed) # echo "media-libs/libv4l" >> /etc/portage/package/mask 4) gdk-pixbuf failed, likely due to util-linux requiring to be rebuilt first, out of order dependency. Re-emerged glib again as the error specified during config test not finding glib, but was likely resulting to util-linux needing rebuilt. # emerge -q -1 dev-libs/glib x11-libs/gdk-pixbuf util-linux 5) After successful completion of rebuilding all 32bit packages, revert /etc/make.conf and remove masked packages.
Please file separate bugs if you can identify specific problems.
For historical purposes, libraw build required safer CFLAGS: Rebuilt libraw using: CFLAGS="-O2 -march=ivybridge -pipe" Seems to be something related to "-march=ivybridge", or using optimizations greater than -O2. All other previously removed packages rebuilt without further issues. Most likely due to dependency order or other library dependency file location bug.