croscorefonts is expected to install /usr/share/fonts/croscorefonts/SymbolNeu.ttf, and in 1.23.0 it does. But with 1.31.0 SymbolNeu is missing. The fontconfig configuration file: /etc/fonts/conf.avail/62-croscore-symbolneu.conf is installed, but the font itself is missing. It seems to be missing from the source file at: Reproducible: Always
At one time, the glyphs in the Symbol font were used to render mathematical expressions. That function has been moved into the browser, consequently Google no longer saw a need to distribute Symbol Neu and dropped it from the package. Symbol remains one of the four Postscript fonts and is needed to render very old PDF files.
It may well make sense to drop SymbolNeu (though some of us dinosaurs still find it necessary) - but if it is dropped, the package should not install 62-croscore-symbolneu.conf which advertises SymbolNeu font as an alias for Symbol.
I'd prefer to have the SymbolNeu font broken out into a separate package. That way it can be installed together with the latest version of the Chrome OS fonts. A Symbol font is unfortunately sometimes needed.
That would be great. The config file should get broken out with it!