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Bug 68825 - cdrecord doesn't work with 2.6.9-r1
Summary: cdrecord doesn't work with 2.6.9-r1
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: [OLD] Core system (show other bugs)
Hardware: x86 Linux
: High normal
Assignee: Lars Weiler (RETIRED)
: 69863 94039 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2004-10-25 07:10 UTC by Zero Z. Zeibov
Modified: 2006-09-21 16:31 UTC (History)
8 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

Fix for cdrecord dropping priviledges (cdrtools.kernel.2.6.8.patch,1.55 KB, patch)
2004-10-28 12:54 UTC, Joshua Megerman
Details | Diff
Fix xcdroast not to check SUI flag. (xcdroast-kernel-2.6.8.patch,493 bytes, patch)
2005-02-06 04:09 UTC, Sergey Kuleshov (RETIRED)
Details | Diff

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Description Zero Z. Zeibov 2004-10-25 07:10:54 UTC
cdrecord doesn't work with gentoo-dev-sources-2.6.9-r1. In 2.6.8-r10 everything works fine.

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
Comment 1 Lars Weiler (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-10-25 20:49:40 UTC
Can't verify.  It works fine here for me on 2.6.9.  Could you give detailed information about the problem and your output of emerge info?
Comment 2 Zero Z. Zeibov 2004-10-25 23:12:42 UTC
$ uname -sr
Linux 2.6.9-gentoo-r1

I use external usb Lite-on DVD-RW.

$ cdrecord -dev=0,0,0 -blank=fast
Cdrecord-Clone 2.01 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2004 JЖrg Schilling
cdrecord: Warning: Running on Linux-2.6.9-gentoo-r1
cdrecord: There are unsettled issues with Linux-2.5 and newer.
cdrecord: If you have unexpected problems, please try Linux-2.4 or Solaris.
cdrecord: Warning: Linux-2.6.8 introduced incompatible interface changes.
cdrecord: Warning: SCSI transport does no longer work for suid root programs.
cdrecord: Warning: if cdrecord fails, try to run it from a root account.
scsidev: '0,0,0'
scsibus: 0 target: 0 lun: 0
Linux sg driver version: 3.5.31
Using libscg version 'schily-0.8'.
cdrecord: Cannot allocate memory. Cannot get SCSI I/O buffer.

If do same thing as root cdrecord works fine. But under 2.6.8-r10 I can do this as normal user, not root
Comment 3 Jurek Bartuszek (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-10-26 17:20:44 UTC
I confirm - same here. This bug is well known and occurs because of the changes made in 2.6.9-rc4 regarding some scsi issues (now applications that want to use it must be run directly by root.. suid bit doesn't help much here). I hope that gentoo kernel maintainers will give us a properly patched release of gentoo-dev-sources.

The other way is to patch cdrecord... I've found a patch for cdrtools-2.01a38 on You  can find it in this thread:

Although I didn't try this out personally, some people reported that this patch actually kills the bug ;]. However - as you have probably already noticed - this is a patch for the 2.01a38 version only... Most probably it won't apply succesfuly on the final release. Maybe someone could rewrite it? :)  
Comment 4 Joshua Megerman 2004-10-28 12:54:20 UTC
Created attachment 42797 [details, diff]
Fix for cdrecord dropping priviledges

This is based on the patch at - I hand
patched the source and modified the ebuild to test it with the generated patch.
Comment 5 Jurek Bartuszek (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-10-28 14:36:55 UTC
I patched cdrecord manually... it works fine now :) Did you post the new ebuild into portage?
Comment 6 Jurek Bartuszek (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-10-30 06:58:55 UTC
When will that patch appear in portage?
Comment 7 Lars Weiler (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-10-30 19:25:07 UTC
For security reasons I don't like to add the patch into portage, as this affects all users and not only those with USB or IEEE1394 burners.

A solution to your problem might be the newly added ebuild sys-apps/resmgr, which runs as a daemon and drops configured permissions to users.  That it worked on 2.6.8-r10 was a deal with the Gentoo kernel-maintainers to include a patch similar to the attached one here, but it should be resolved with a newer kernel.  So, it works again on built-in burners, but not on externals.

I can add a dependency on usb or ieee1394 use-flag to resmgr, if that works.  I can't test it here as I only own a built-in DVD-writer.

So, please test sys-apps/resmgr and if it resolves your problem!
Comment 8 Jurek Bartuszek (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-10-31 00:41:08 UTC
OK... I will test this... However, I don't own neither USB nor firewire burner... I have an internal CD recorder.
Comment 9 Jurek Bartuszek (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-10-31 04:47:39 UTC
Well, tests failed... I still get the `/usr/bin/cdrecord: Cannot allocate memory. Cannot get SCSI I/O buffer.' error message. I've emerged resmgr, edited resmgr.conf as follows:

-- BEGIN --
hell root # cat /etc/resmgr.conf 
# This is the default set of devices people logged in on the desktop get
# access to:
class desktop
# Standard multimedia devices
add /dev/audio          desktop
add /dev/mixer          desktop
add /dev/dsp            desktop
add /dev/sequencer      desktop
add /dev/video          desktop
# CD-ROMs - giving permission to open the corresponding SCSI
# device is highly useful for CD writers such as cdrecord.
add /dev/cdrom          desktop scsi
add /dev/cdroms/cdrom0  desktop scsi
add /dev/ide/host0/bus1/target0/lun0/cd desktop scsi
add /dev/dvd            desktop scsi
add /dev/cdroms/cdrom1  desktop scsi
add /dev/ide/host0/bus1/target1/lun0/cd desktop scsi
add /dev/sr0            desktop scsi
add /dev/sr1            desktop scsi
add /dev/sr2            desktop scsi
add /dev/sr3            desktop scsi
# Dito for SCSI scanners, which all use /dev/scanner symlink.
add /dev/scanner        desktop scsi
# And USB scanners.
add /dev/usbscanner    desktop
add /dev/usb/scanner   desktop
add /dev/usb/scanner0  desktop
add /dev/usb/scanner1  desktop
add /dev/usb/scanner2  desktop
add /dev/usb/scanner3  desktop
add /dev/usb/scanner4  desktop
add /dev/usb/scanner5  desktop
add /dev/usb/scanner6  desktop
add /dev/usb/scanner7  desktop
# make /dev/console accessible read-only
add /dev/console   desktop read-only

# For serial gphoto cameras.
# add /dev/ttyS0 desktop
# add /dev/ttyS1 desktop
# Sample rules, do not enable by default:
# This rule denies access to users uucp and news
# deny  desktop         user=uucp || user=news
# This rule gives access to all members of group wheel
# allow desktop         group=wheel
# This rule grants access to users logged in locally
allow desktop           tty=/dev/tty[1-9]* || tty=:0
-- END --

Then I ran /etc/init.d/resmgr start script:

hell root # ps auxww |grep resmgr
root      5725  0.0  0.0  1364  444 ?        Ss   13:44   0:00 /sbin/resmgrd --
root      5783  0.0  0.0  3668  596 pts/1    S+   13:47   0:00 grep resmgr

Comment 10 Jurek Bartuszek (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-11-02 11:45:07 UTC
Comment 11 Gregorio Guidi (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-11-02 12:34:54 UTC
with kernel-2.6.9-vanilla and cdrtools-2.01,
strange things happen:

run cdrecord as root --> works
cdrecord setuid, run as user --> fails with "Cannot allocate memory. Cannot get SCSI I/O buffer."
cdrecord not setuid, run as user --> works!
cdrecord setuid, run as user under strace --> works!!!

can anyone confirm?
Comment 12 crusaderky 2004-11-02 12:42:36 UTC
*** Bug 69863 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 13 crusaderky 2004-11-02 12:43:57 UTC
>>>cdrecord setuid, run as user under strace --> works!!!

could you please give me the exact command to test?
I can confirm everything else (see my bug report for details).
Comment 14 Gregorio Guidi (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-11-02 12:50:04 UTC
with cdrecord permissions at 4711:

"cdrecord dev=/dev/hdc somefile"
gives the error, while

"strace -ostrace.log cdrecord dev=/dev/hdc somefile"
Comment 15 Jurek Bartuszek (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-11-02 13:48:25 UTC
Yeah, I can confirm... this is weird. Exactly as you have said:

>> run cdrecord as root --> works
>> cdrecord setuid, run as user --> fails with "Cannot allocate memory. Cannot get >> SCSI I/O buffer."
>> cdrecord not setuid, run as user --> works!
>> cdrecord setuid, run as user under strace --> works!

The strace thing is odd :-P
Comment 16 Lars Weiler (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-11-03 13:38:17 UTC
Okay.  That's very odd.  I don't know what happens when you run it with strace.

But I would say, as long as you can run it as user non-setuid it would be still fine.  For security reasons I ever suggest not to install any program setuid root.

Is it okay with you to close this bug with WORKSFORME or do you need cdrecord set setuid root?
Comment 17 crusaderky 2004-11-03 13:42:58 UTC
I _need_ it to run with priority -20, or else I'll risk getting buffer underruns most of the times I do anything else, like opening my file manager or stupid stuff like that.
Comment 18 Jurek Bartuszek (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-11-03 14:31:24 UTC
Hmm... I don't need suid bit set on cdrecord executable. Frankly, I really don't care: if there is such a need of suid, I set it. If not, then not. I have no objections - you can close the bug with WORKSFORME resolution. I've already posted a message to k3b developers regarding this issue.
Comment 19 Stefano 2004-11-26 01:57:52 UTC
Confirm that for me the workaround was to remove the setuid bit from cdrecord and cdrdao...
Comment 20 M. Edward Borasky 2005-01-05 20:02:55 UTC
well ... I recently migrated (using the Gentoo 2.4 -- 2.6 migration guide) from 2.4.25 to 2.6.10-r2. This started happening on my built-in CD-RW with both K3B and xcdroast. I got K3B to work by removing the SUID bit from "cdrecord" and "cdrdao". I have *not* tested xcdroast, and don't plan to immediately; I only use xcdroast to do CD-CD copies with verification.
Comment 21 Lars Weiler (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-01-08 00:15:47 UTC
Still, cdrecord and cdrdao will be installed without suid bit set.  k3b has a einfo, that informs you about not setting that bit.  And usually it does not touch  the bit and the warning message is also removed.  Everything should be fine.
Comment 22 crusaderky 2005-01-08 02:36:50 UTC
Maybe there's something I'm really missing. Is it supposed to be "fine" to run cdrecord with priority 0, so that I can't open my browser or file manager without risking a buffer underrun???
Comment 23 Sergey Kuleshov (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-02-05 05:35:39 UTC
Guys, i will dare to reopen this bugs. I am running 2.6.10-gentoo-r6 kernel and got problems with cdrecord. XCdroast says: "cdrecord: Cannot allocate memory. Cannot get SCSI I/O buffer." resmgr made no difference. Applying this patch though does resolve the issues. I know a lot of people who have same problems, so being user oriented we should either patch cdrtools and get it other with OR if you know of any other way to get it working let me know of it, so I could write clear documentation on it.
Comment 24 Jurek Bartuszek (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-02-05 06:48:47 UTC
Hi! Try removing the suid bit from cdrecord. It should work
Comment 25 Toby Dickenson 2005-02-05 07:24:27 UTC
Removing the suid bit worked for me too.

I was originally worried about suggesting this because you lose the other good advantages of being suid. However this has been the most widely suggested workaround, recent versions of k3b have been automatically removing the suid bit, and I havent seen any reported ill effects. Lets go for that.

Comment 26 Sergey Kuleshov (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-02-06 03:44:01 UTC
Ok, here are some additional test results. I tried to fall back to unpatched cdrtools. K3b managed to identify my CD-RW both with and without suid flag. 

With XCdroast it did not help though. Switching it debug level 3 I saw that it is using /usr/lib/xcdroast-0.98/bin/xcdrwrap tool. So I tried to test this tool separately: 

/usr/lib/xcdroast-0.98/bin/xcdrwrap CDRECORD dev="ATAPI:0,1,0" -prcap

It worked just fine with suid flag removed. However! xcdroast will NOT run unless suid is set on xcdrwrap.

Apparently it is xcdroast issue which needs to be fixed.
Comment 27 Sergey Kuleshov (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-02-06 04:09:30 UTC
Created attachment 50521 [details, diff]
Fix xcdroast not to check SUI flag.

well, here is the tiny patch for xcdroast (should it go to new bug report?) As
part of the check for Non-Root-Mode xcdroast checked for suid flag. Apparently
this check is redundant.
Comment 28 Duke 2005-02-28 22:46:31 UTC
Just curious on the status of this bug, having just stumbled across it.  I'm running gentoo-dev-sources 2.6.10-gentoo-r6, cdrtools 2.01, and xcdroast 0.98_alpha15-r3.

I'm getting the "cdrecord: Cannot allocate memory. Cannot get SCSI I/O buffer." error with xcdroast.  cdrecord does not have suid set.  And setting suid didn't help either.
Comment 29 Lars Weiler (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-03-31 16:13:50 UTC
@comment #27

Ehm.  That patch does not look well.  What happens if you are not an kernel >=2.6.8?

It may be easier to install xcdrwrap with suid set, although this is a security risk.  Asking the maintainer of xcdroast may be hard as well, as xcdroast seems to be unmaintained now.
Comment 30 M. Edward Borasky 2005-03-31 19:11:55 UTC
xcdroast isn't maintained? that's real bad news ... K3B isn't exactly ready for prime time either. Should I just learn how to use the command line CD tools and forget about GUIs? I've got to be able to burn and verify CDs reliably!!
Comment 31 Lars Weiler (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-04-19 14:40:34 UTC
Write an email to the xcdroast-maintainer that he still has fans and that he should update his application.  That's out of our focus.
Comment 32 Jakub Moc (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-05-26 02:32:17 UTC
*** Bug 94039 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***