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Bug 6808 - gbonds -- new ebuild
Summary: gbonds -- new ebuild
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: x86 Linux
: High enhancement
Assignee: Stewart (RETIRED)
Depends on:
Reported: 2002-08-20 22:36 UTC by Paul Thompson
Modified: 2005-01-03 16:58 UTC (History)
4 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

ebuild app-office/gbonds/gbonds-0.7.4.ebuild (gbonds-0.7.4.ebuild,1.51 KB, text/plain)
2002-08-20 22:37 UTC, Paul Thompson
updated ebuild (gbonds-0.7.5.ebuild,1.68 KB, text/plain)
2003-05-08 09:52 UTC, Paul Thompson
tarball of new ebuild and patch (gbonds.tar,20.00 KB, application/octet-stream)
2003-07-05 16:40 UTC, Paul Thompson

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Paul Thompson 2002-08-20 22:36:45 UTC
This is a gnome program for managing a US savings bond inventory.
The US treasury distributes a proprietery similar program for windows
only. (and it doesnt work under the last wine I tested)
This program can import savings bond wizard files, and uses the bond
databases that the treasurey distributes. It is a little fragile, but I was
able to use it for its intended purpose. I am not aware of any other
choice. I put it in app-office/gbonds/gbonds-0.7.4.ebuild

Comment 1 Paul Thompson 2002-08-20 22:37:25 UTC
Created attachment 3250 [details]
ebuild app-office/gbonds/gbonds-0.7.4.ebuild
Comment 2 Paul Thompson 2003-05-08 09:52:16 UTC
Created attachment 11689 [details]
updated ebuild

Bumped to next stable version. Added IUSE. (since when the first ebuild
was submitted, it didnt exist:) Ive been running this for the better
part of a year now.
Comment 3 Alastair Tse (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-05-19 16:40:44 UTC
we've been looking at this and wondering how many people will actually use it. i myself can't really vouch for it because i don't have any US bonds ;). i wonder how many people will actually use this to keep track of their US bonds.

the latest version is 0.7.5 and there's also a gnome2 version at 1.90.0 right now.
Comment 4 Paul Thompson 2003-05-21 04:41:39 UTC
Well, as to use, who can say; if its not in portage, then probably
no gentoo user:) Its basicly a clone of the proprietary software
offered by the treasury dept., and uses their data to calculate
value. I have to admit to becoming discouraged as an ebuild submiter
in recent times. You are basicly saying 'we' (the insiders) dont
use or understand this package, so we cant certify it, and are suspicious
of its value. Ah well, its valuable to me, and its in my ever growing
local portage tree of ebuilds; the most recent of which I dont bother
to submit, because it appears the pipeline is too constricted. (I have
a newer ebuild for this guy, with a patch I wrote to fix something, but
...) Sorry, if this turned into a whinge, but I have been turned away from
an enthusiastic ebuild submiter to one who just writes them for myself
and submits bugs for the most part. Thanks for your efforts.
Comment 5 Alastair Tse (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-05-21 05:39:22 UTC

i understand your discouragement with the submission system. i mean i would feel the same way if i had a bug sitting in bugzilla for about 9 months. unfortuantely, is rather stretched at the moment, and i've only just started going through and commenting on older bugs that are still sitting in our queue.

i've got both gtk1/gtk2 versions in my overlay for testing right now. but i'm not sure when or if i'm going to add it to the tree. although i am encouraged that they seem to be in active development unlike some other older submissions in out queue.
Comment 6 foser (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-05-21 08:06:24 UTC
It is not that we dont value your ebuild submissions, but see in the greater picture of the ever expanding ebuild tree and the amount of maintenance that comes with it. Is it really so weird we are picky about ebuilds we want to support actively ?

I checked with a few other major distros and none of them packages gbonds. These are the sort of packages great for your local overlay, but just don't deserve the amount of work it takes to have and hold them in the main tree imho.
Comment 7 Paul Thompson 2003-05-22 03:47:25 UTC
Hey, I understand how things are working, which is why I decided to
punt. It would be nice, if I could have responsibility for an ebuild
I submit-- mark it permanately unstable if you can't ratify it, but
thats not how things are structured. Im not bitter-- but nearly all
of the ebuilds I have submited since things got constipated have been
ignored or rejected, not because someone said; this ebuild is poorly
written, or doesnt work for me, but essentially because I am not
a developer, and thus able to take responsibility for it, or argue
credibly for some aspect of it. So, Ill stick to bugs, and keep my
ebuilds to myself for a while at least, and keep an eye out for other
outlets; Ive already contributed ebuilds to external sources, that
later entered the developemnt circle. 
And I want to make it clear that I am thankful; its just that the way
things are, based upon my experience, there is little motivation for me to
submit an original ebuild. Or even a signifigant redesign of an existing
I am sorry to have gone on so long, but I like gentoo... despite ebuilds
being simple to make, mine seem too esoteric:)
Comment 8 foser (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-05-22 08:14:27 UTC
It's not that you are not a developer or can't take 'ownership' over it here, my main reason still is that it will not be used enough. We market for the masses in the end, there are a zillion small useful apps out there that get used by only a few people. imho we shouldnt be adding stuff from that category, it makes the tree unreasonable big for no good reason.

thanks for your understanding. And once again sorry that it took so long to get around to this.

And may i suggest you to give the ebuild to the gbonds ppl, so they can add it to their homepage.
Comment 9 Stewart (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-07-02 13:08:21 UTC
One minor niggle with your ebuild; it should be marked as ~x86 initially. If you'd prefer, I can make the change myself for inclusion in the tree. I'll even merge Gnome to verify it merges and runs correctly, but I'll have to rely on you to take maintainership with regard to functionality, bugs, and new versions.
Comment 10 Alastair Tse (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-07-02 16:14:22 UTC
i'm reassigning this to you because you reopened it. the gnome team won't have the resources to maintain this one. 

you may want to look at the gnome2 version on their webpage. if you use it, look at possibly using the gnome2 eclass.

also get paul to assign the copyright to gentoo (see copyright header), remove redundant deps and do the regular qa checks on it.
Comment 11 Paul Thompson 2003-07-04 00:57:53 UTC

I will not assign copyright to Gentoo Inc.

The 'redundant' dependancies are valid; eg. zlib is
no doubt satisfied by several of the earlier deps, but it
_is_ a dep. None of the deps are unrequired; this
wont run or build without all of them. A script generates
this. (and the redundancy is much preferable to the
unrequired, or missing requirements I commonly find and
report in ebuilds)
I dont run gnome, or gnome2, so I cannot vouch for
them. I do run gbonds, and it seems to average about
an hour or two a year in effort to maintain my
personal ebuild.

finaly, I have a patch to reformat the entry and cell spacing
based upon font size to avoid their eclipse. I havent pushed
it upstream yet, but should I include it in my new ebuild


on the issue of ~x86 and maintainability, this is not
Comment 12 Paul Thompson 2003-07-05 16:40:21 UTC
Created attachment 14185 [details]
tarball of new ebuild and patch

Here is an updated ebuild; changed to ~x86, the patch I am using
to better size entries is included, but the application of the
patch is commented out. It passed lintool, and built. Ive been
using it for some time without problems. If there remain issues
I havent addressed let me know.
Comment 13 Paul Thompson 2003-08-04 00:10:47 UTC
whoohoo, the system works! Fuck you for luring me back, you
evil bastard.
Comment 14 Mike Gardiner (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-08-04 00:41:57 UTC
just a note (i dont want to blow this back up) but dependencies are considered redundant if they are specified in the profile (take a look in /usr/portage/profiles/default/packages to get an idea). the packages specified in that file are considered part of the most baseline install. 

of your dependency list the following are defined in the default profile-

in addition i understand you say that the dependencies are all required for gbonds to run, that's fair enough, but portage maintains this sort of sanity so you dont have to. for example, gnome-vfs-1 requires gnome-libs-1, so you specifying it seperately is where the redundancy comes in.

and lastly, please attach as text/plain, rather than zips/tars etc, makes it easier for the devs.
Comment 15 Paul Thompson 2003-08-09 00:43:40 UTC

The depenancy issues you mention, and the attachment policy would
all be interesting things I would like to discuss, ordinarily.
However, all things considered, I have clearly given up on this
avenue of contribution to gentoo, and if the bridge isnt burnt,
then the match I tossed has impotently gone out.
Could someone please set this to 'will not fix' or something,
or at least take me off the CC?
Comment 16 Stewart (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-11-04 21:41:43 UTC
Sadly, it doesn't look like we'll see gbonds in the tree just yet.