Created attachment 569068 [details] dev-qt/qtgui-5.11.3 build.log I tried to build qtgui number of time to use many qt-based program, I could not use everything which is depending on qt graphic libraries. there was no error message. but, yesterday, I saw below link and tried again, It does well. we need to add -mno-aes flag into qtgui ebuild process as a patch. -mno-aes made stopping issue on qwidget.cpp compile step.
Created attachment 569070 [details] The result of 'emerge --info' in my system.
For some reason, Qt is trying to use AES CPU instructions, but your CPU doesn't support that. Could you please attach output of 'emerge --info' and 'cat /proc/cpuinfo'?
Created attachment 571130 [details] cat /proc/cpuinfo
According to your emerge --info, you are using in your CFLAGS: -march=sandybridge. Per the GCC docs[1], this implies that your CPU supports the AES instruction set. However, according to your /proc/cpuinfo, your CPU does not support the AES instruction set. Please try again with correct CFLAGS (-march=native is recommended for most cases). 1: