Failed to emerge sci-chemistry/gromacs-2018.3
Created attachment 561196 [details] emerge --info
Build log is whooping 1.6 Mb Message like this repeated a lot: F: mkostemp S: deny P: /usr/share/fonts/util/.uuid.TMP-XXXXXX A: /usr/share/fonts/util/.uuid.TMP-XXXXXX R: /usr/share/fonts/util/.uuid.TMP-XXXXXX C: /usr/bin/gs -P- -dSAFER -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dEPSCrop -q -P- -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sstdout=%stderr -sOutputFile=/var/tmp/portage/sci-chemistry/gromacs-2018.3/work/gromacs-2018.3_float/docs/manual/plots/pulldirrel.pdf -P- * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Try running "fc-cache -r" as root, then see if the gromacs emerge succeeds.
I tried: fc-cache -r emerge gromacs and it works.
This version is no longer in portage. Latest one is 2019.2 or 2018.7 in previos branch