description: overlay for getting more involved containing pending PRs + with few additional (~ 15) packages like e.g. media-gfx/mtpaint [for fast editing/narrow down scrot images] , x11-apps/move-to-next-monitor [good i3 fan's, who switch the wm and miss that multihead feature] etc. homepage (optional): admin access to: write access to: public SSH key: ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAINNKyI0ESMthj7Dz6skx7HmvbM/h9eBh3lOVFlIepoFI ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC6+MeKrixUnSTxDrZaPmNMVynte+Lb+afHb0y8UtQQ7uPceaDgIfAgjsvHfCOwgYc7nxgZr4UoPVhS5z1C3sT44Cn/V4vr9IhDhK30TFBwe+sONml9saSvltNdfgiRXO/3EDXYn0FIdSJS/dbS0nhTDtpooHTaXGm+M/ca8C6Dv3CzUupAYpL6BgDfD3dR9s7d4/NGntdeqzbZEVUNJOvSucRwiVRd5e12+XNBWRptjPPaYT9hvjzEIIDq6XTq7Cmbwz3DyUgxrVC6hCMiVcj9TgORCXhAOkfaQ1fEGqfLMjpvJKAUqwoP+EreVw3b60DT7BiII8j5dyWwDHpplQUN
Sorry for the delay in attending to this request. Is this still required?
no it is not strictly required. i'm using github for now ( -- ). nevertheless, I would have preferred to use the gentoo infrastructure over the github/microsoft, but I think migration is a hassle, isn't it?