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Bug 66944 - Poor OpenGL performance using nvidia-kernel-1.0.6111-r2
Summary: Poor OpenGL performance using nvidia-kernel-1.0.6111-r2
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: [OLD] Unspecified (show other bugs)
Hardware: x86 Linux
: High normal
Assignee: X11 External Driver Maintainers
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Reported: 2004-10-09 23:20 UTC by Bharath Ramesh
Modified: 2005-11-23 21:00 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
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Runtime testing required: ---

xorg.conf that I am using (xorg.conf,3.10 KB, text/plain)
2004-10-09 23:21 UTC, Bharath Ramesh

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Description Bharath Ramesh 2004-10-09 23:20:06 UTC
I have new Dell Inspiron 8600. I am using gentoo-dev-sources-2.6.8-r7. I get very poor performance when using any GL. When I run glxgears I get 690 FPS on an average. I am attaching my xorg.conf. I havent couldnt get 1.5336 build to work at all, Xorg wouldnt start. Any help on this is appreciated.

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
Comment 1 Bharath Ramesh 2004-10-09 23:21:23 UTC
Created attachment 41439 [details]
xorg.conf that I am using

Attaching my xorg.conf for the bug
Comment 2 Andrew Bevitt 2004-10-10 22:31:29 UTC
First can you attach your configs as plain/text for future reference.

Im not exactly sure what to say here in regards to the bug, like a Go6650 is not exactly a powerful card... 690fps is probably accuratish.... 

What sort of GL issues are you experiencing? 
Try adding the following to /etc/modules.d/nvidia
  options nvidia NVreg_EnableAGPSBA=1 NVreg_EnableAGPFW=1
Comment 3 Bharath Ramesh 2004-10-10 23:06:05 UTC
I enabled both SBA and FastWrite by uncommenting the options line for nvidia in /etc/modules.d/nvidia. No improvement in performance. If I run any GL application say the screensaver I use GLMatrix and turn on the framerate option, I get something like 4-5 frames a second on an average. This card gives a framerate of around 35-40 on an average in windows. I am not able to understand why I get low performance in linux.
Comment 4 Bharath Ramesh 2004-10-14 21:42:42 UTC
I did more hacking around, when I use color depth as 16 I get good GL performance but when I use 24bit Color depth then the GL performance is really bad. Not sure why this is happening.
Comment 5 Andrew Bevitt 2004-11-09 17:40:37 UTC
Does your card actually say it supports 24bit colour modes?
Comment 6 Bharath Ramesh 2004-11-09 17:46:46 UTC
The card does support 24bit Color depth. I upgraded to the new drivers 1.0.6229 the glxgear performance has improved but the GL performance is still the same.
Comment 7 STefan 2004-12-25 14:19:58 UTC
Of course in depth 24 mode compared to 16 the card is much slower, it has to do much more work, the performance of 690fps is ok for that card, so I do not see any bug or error here.
Comment 8 Andrew Bevitt 2005-01-08 06:39:46 UTC
If the speed changes over colour depth changes then there is little we can do but wait for the drivers to be updated...
Comment 9 Joshua Baergen (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-11-20 12:15:29 UTC
Is this fixed in any of the newer versions of the drivers?
Comment 10 Joshua Baergen (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-11-20 12:15:47 UTC
Re-assigning to -drivers.
Comment 11 Bharath Ramesh 2005-11-20 16:06:02 UTC
I am sorry I dont have the hardware any more to test it anymore.
Comment 12 Joshua Baergen (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-11-23 21:00:11 UTC

Anyone else who comes across this issue should feel free to re-open this bug.