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Bug 665430 - [some(?) overlay] sci-libs/opencascade-7.2.0 file collisions with sci-libs/oce-0.18.3
Summary: [some(?) overlay] sci-libs/opencascade-7.2.0 file collisions with sci-libs/oc...
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Current packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal normal
Assignee: Michael Weber (RETIRED)
Depends on:
Reported: 2018-09-07 11:36 UTC by Helmut Jarausch
Modified: 2018-10-28 12:53 UTC (History)
4 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Helmut Jarausch 2018-09-07 11:36:23 UTC
This is just a 'heads up' since I have installed opencascade-7.2.0 which is not in the tree, yet.

Installation of sci-libs/oce-0.18.3 fails with

 * Detected file collision(s):
 * 	/usr/bin/DRAWEXE
 * 	/usr/lib64/
 * 	/usr/lib64/
 * 	/usr/lib64/
 * 	/usr/lib64/
 * 	/usr/lib64/
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 * 	/usr/lib64/
 * 	/usr/lib64/
 * 	/usr/lib64/
 * 	/usr/lib64/
 * Searching all installed packages for file collisions...
 * Press Ctrl-C to Stop
 * sci-libs/opencascade-7.2.0:7.2.0::local
 * 	/usr/bin/DRAWEXE
 * 	/usr/lib/
 * 	/usr/lib/
 * 	/usr/lib/
 * 	/usr/lib/
 * 	/usr/lib/
 * 	/usr/lib/
 * 	/usr/lib/
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 * 	/usr/lib/
 * 	/usr/lib/
 * 	/usr/lib/
 * 	/usr/lib/
 * 	/usr/lib/
 * Package 'sci-libs/oce-0.18.3' NOT merged due to file collisions. If
Comment 1 Fabio Rossi 2018-09-11 12:22:31 UTC
Currently the only version of opencascade in the tree is slotted (i.e. all the libs are under /usr/lib64/opencascade-<version>) so this bug should be closed as invalid. The opencascade ebuild you are using is different from that in portage.

I see another problem. The current OCE ebuild in the tree is slotted too but installs directly below /usr, that would generate conflicts for sure when another version will be added to the tree. That must be fixed.

OCE and opencascade in principle offer the same libraries so the only way to have them installed in parallel in the system is to change accordingly the installation paths (having them slotted satisfies implicitly this request besides offering the possibility to have many versions installed in parallel).

My impression is that OCE is not updated often, the latest official release is associated to opencascade 6.9.1 which is quite old (latest is 7.3.0).

Possible discussion points:

* do we need slotted versions for opencascade/oce? 

* do we need opencascade and oce install-able in parallel?