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Bug 664954 - sys-apps/portage-9999 fails with unsupported value: 'laymansync'
Summary: sys-apps/portage-9999 fails with unsupported value: 'laymansync'
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Current packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal normal
Assignee: Portage team
Depends on:
Reported: 2018-08-31 10:32 UTC by Helmut Jarausch
Modified: 2021-11-26 18:32 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

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Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Helmut Jarausch 2018-08-31 10:32:06 UTC
I have portage-9999 and layman-2.4.2-r1 installed here.
Since yesterday, any emerge / ebuild command spits out lots of errors like
Repository 'science' has sync-type attribute set to unsupported value: 'laymansync'
!!! Installed sync-types are: '['cvs', 'git', 'rsync', 'svn', 'webrsync']'

I have followed the instructions on

What am I missing?
Comment 1 Brian Dolbec (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2019-01-15 16:51:51 UTC
Sorry, I was on holiday when you submitted this bug.  I missed seeing it till now.

Please ensure layman is emerge with the "sync-plugin-portage" use flag.  That use flag controls the installation of the laymansync plugin.

The other possibility is that portage was re-emerged and is now using a python version that layman was not installed to.  Then portage will not find the laymansync module installed to that python version.
Comment 2 Attila Tóth 2019-10-29 08:09:58 UTC
I have this message with the latest unstable portage-2.3.78-r2, although I've emerged layman with the suggested use flag. Layman -S works as it should.
Comment 3 Adrian Bassett 2019-12-26 11:25:44 UTC
(In reply to Brian Dolbec from comment #1)
> Sorry, I was on holiday when you submitted this bug.  I missed seeing it
> till now.
> Please ensure layman is emerge with the "sync-plugin-portage" use flag. 
> That use flag controls the installation of the laymansync plugin.
> The other possibility is that portage was re-emerged and is now using a
> python version that layman was not installed to.  Then portage will not find
> the laymansync module installed to that python version.

Started seeing this problem on ~amd64 recently, despite having previously built layman with the required flag.

So, going with the second suggestion, I re-installed both portage and layman, initially without resolving the problem.  It was only when the PYTHON_TARGETS were exactly aligned were things fixed;  i.e. it was necessary to build portage without python-3.8 support as this target is not (yet) supported by layman.

Filing this in case it helps somebody, else.

Merry Christmas!
Comment 4 Brian Dolbec (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2020-04-24 18:58:33 UTC
I believe the problem is due to portage being updated and installed to an new python version that layman has not yet been re-installed to.

I think I will look into having layman rebuilt when portage is updated.  That will likely prevent the problem.
Comment 5 Mike Gilbert gentoo-dev 2021-11-26 18:32:26 UTC
I don't think this is something we can fix in portage.