I was looking about how to set an Alarm from Gnome until I noticed that I didn't have gnome-clocks installed in that computer. Maybe this could be pulled by gnome-extra-apps meta as it looks to be useful (or, at least, as useful as the other extra apps ;))
I don't think the alarm will work after you close Clocks (albeit it was a feature they wanted to implement, I don't think it made it to 3.28, but might have). However I agree we should add it and review the list. I would do it with a global view (not look only at clocks, but other updates too) after 3.26 (or 3.28) is done and time to bump the metas
Yeah, I agree with handling the multiple cases, but wanted to ensure we don't forget about considering this ;)
Maybe we could take a look on the list for 3.30 before it gets stabilized, for example, I missed gnome-logs being installed "by default" recently too ;)
Any updates on this? Also, where is the current list of "extra" apps from upstream releng team? I can only see the list of "core" packages Thanks!