Created attachment 531870 [details] emerge --info x11-terms/gnome-terminal According to upstream (, gnome-terminal should respond to control codes enabling VT220 emulation and application keypad mode, and thereby emit escape sequences for the keypad in application keypad mode that are distinct from those with application keypad mode disabled ( Using the latest gnome-terminal on gentoo, I'm unable to get it to emit those codes. I need the application keypad functionality to work with tmux, vi, and other programs that expect distinct character sequences from these keys; otherwise, they are not distinguishable from their counterparts elsewhere on the keyboard (e.g., keypad insert and editor insert produce identical sequences). As an example of what is expected when typing the keypad '0' key with NumLock off: % > cat -v ^[[2~ % > printf '\033[?1061h\033='; cat -v ^[Op As an example of what I observe instead: % > cat -v ^[[2~ % > printf '\033[?1061h\033='; cat -v ^[[2~ The control codes '\033[?1061h\033=' should be sufficient to enable VT220+AppKeypad, but in gnome-terminal they have no effect. The expected result is obtainable in xterm, but gnome-terminal is preferable.
Are you still hitting this? Anyway, it looks like an upstream bug to me... but, if upstream refuses to consider it a bug, we cannot to much more :/
(In reply to Pacho Ramos from comment #1) > Are you still hitting this? Anyway, it looks like an upstream bug to me... > but, if upstream refuses to consider it a bug, we cannot to much more :/ Just tried it in xfce4-terminal and got the second output too, so if it's a bug then it's probably a bug in libvte, not gnome-terminal.
I would try to report it here then: Thanks
Found this from 2020, it looks like they supported it in the past then made an intentional decision to remove it: It doesn't look like this bug will ever be directly fixed, but it's been a while since it was opened and nowadays there's no shortage of non-vte terminals to choose from: "eix -cC x11-terms -a! --deps /vte" x11-terms/ghostty in particular is a few weeks old and makes a big deal of its xterm compatibility, which includes DECKPAM. Anyone looking here for answers should probably give that a try.