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Bug 652240 - 7 day gentoo-project ban for Daniel Robbins <>
Summary: 7 day gentoo-project ban for Daniel Robbins <>
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Infrastructure
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Mailing Lists (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal normal
Assignee: Alec Warner (RETIRED)
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Reported: 2018-04-02 20:04 UTC by Andreas K. Hüttel
Modified: 2018-04-17 13:04 UTC (History)
9 users (show)

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Description Andreas K. Hüttel archtester gentoo-dev 2018-04-02 20:04:13 UTC

With reference to above list message, please enact a 7 day list ban on gentoo-project for Daniel Robbins <> as per code of conduct guidelines.

Proposed by lu_zero, supported by dilfridge
Comment 1 Daniel Robbins 2018-04-02 20:13:36 UTC
I will happily accept a ban on behalf of those people who are afraid of standing up against mgorny, for fear of retaliation. Someone needs to bully the bullies.
Comment 2 Michael 'veremitz' Everitt 2018-04-02 20:22:35 UTC
Proposed by comrel, sponsored by comrel, any council members wanna weigh in, mgorny even??
Comment 3 Michael 'veremitz' Everitt 2018-04-02 20:23:04 UTC
The irony is beyond belief ...
Comment 4 Daniel Robbins 2018-04-02 20:24:44 UTC
I'd imagine he's supportive :)
Comment 5 Virgil Dupras (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2018-04-02 20:26:10 UTC
I want to weight in. drobbins' language is obscene and offensive, more than anyone who has participated in the current "hot topic" of gentoo-project. This level of language isn't appropriate in a civil discourse and as a subscriber, I shouldn't have to waste time reading this.
Comment 6 Daniel Robbins 2018-04-02 20:29:00 UTC
Virgil, here is a link for you and will hopefully clarify my use of the word "asshole":
Donnie Berkholz, RedMonk: "Assholes are Ruining your Project"
Comment 7 Virgil Dupras (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2018-04-02 20:30:55 UTC
What? We need to watch videos on youtube now to help us redefine what is an appropriate level of language in a civil discourse? What is this, newspeak?
Comment 8 Daniel Robbins 2018-04-02 20:34:44 UTC
I think if you read the thread more clearly, you would see that it was never anything approaching civil discourse. Watch the video -- "asshole" is a term used in research specifically about Gentoo. Many devs are familiar with this video.
Comment 9 Alec Warner (RETIRED) archtester gentoo-dev Security 2018-04-02 20:41:09 UTC
This change should be live on the listserver now.

Comrel, do you want to keep this bug open for the 7 days or file a new bug?

Comment 10 Daniel Robbins 2018-04-02 20:47:13 UTC
In any case, I am sorry I offended you by referring to a part of the body that every human has. Vulgarity is an interesting thing. In the Bible, St. Paul says in Philippians 3:8 "Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ". Or "rubbish", more literally in the Greek, I count them all as "crap" would be a more accurate translation. If St. Paul can use vulgarity for emphasis when talking of things of importance in an epistle to the Philippians, then maybe we have too narrow a definition of vulgarity in modern culture. In this case, referring to a thing as "waste", or behavior as that of an "asshole", is necessary description to convey the point.
Comment 11 Pacho Ramos gentoo-dev 2018-04-02 20:58:14 UTC
(In reply to Andreas K. Hüttel from comment #0)
> Proposed by lu_zero, supported by dilfridge

I support it too
Comment 12 Michael 'veremitz' Everitt 2018-04-02 21:03:28 UTC
(In reply to Pacho Ramos from comment #11)
> (In reply to Andreas K. Hüttel from comment #0)
> [...]
> > Proposed by lu_zero, supported by dilfridge
> I support it too

Let me guess, you're on Comrel or Council too ..

Ah Undertakers and Treecleaners .. part of the ComReS group ..
Comment 13 Pacho Ramos gentoo-dev 2018-04-02 21:07:49 UTC
You can consult the wiki page and see the teams I am a member of, you don't need to guess
Comment 14 William L. Thomson Jr. 2018-04-02 22:54:08 UTC
This bug reminds me of mine...

2008-09-05 01:42:46 UTC 

"Following the procedures set on the policy [1] and after receiving a request by antarus to moderate your posts on the -nfp mailing list, musikc with NeddySeagoon's agreement asked infra to implement the moderation."

Who is this bug assigned to? Alec Warner... antarus... He was involved against me in 2008. Here he is decade later still driving people away from Gentoo. He needs to go!!!! Not be assigned such...

musikc was who I offended years ago on -nfp, despite private harrassment in IRC. She was part of devrel now comrel. Just like in 2008, devrel creates problems and then enforces them...

Who was the last to act against me in 2015? Andreas K. Hüttel

Also working this bug.... Who also acted completely unprofessionally with this post... Not to mention taking my work on dev-db/firebird-3.x, which i used to maintain he now does...

Want more against others like mgonry or council, what about this post to dev?

To conclude, I am NOT condoning Daniels conduct, nor fowl language. Both of which I dislike and find offensive. I have told this to Daniel in private. I do understand somewhat his approach though. Responding as he feels in kind, or one upping. I do not feel is helfpul.

Still the irony between all this, the same people, taking action against others, over long periods of time. Different people being punished, always some of the same involved. Who are NOT committing code or doing real work....
Comment 15 Jim Cook 2018-04-03 05:58:50 UTC
A quick reminder:

Your being offended has absolutely no bearing on your being right.

A ban for using a different form of imagery for the southbound view of a northbound horse.

The included video reference is spot on, and the whole affair laughable, were some of you not so sincere in their offense and need for retribution.
Comment 16 Andrew D Kirch 2018-04-03 17:58:33 UTC
I think everyone should step back for a moment, take a very deep breath, and realize that this proposal is a 7-day sanction for the use of the word "Asshole".

This effort is a, frankly pathetic. One side is abusing the social conduct guide to silence discourse on social conduct itself, a contentious issue. This is clearly not being done to enforce a safe and productive community. The term for this silencing behavior, by the way, is "bullying". Your key takeaway here is simple: THE LOT OF YOU SUPPORTING THIS ARE BULLIES. I'm betting there's a bullying policy in that guide as well.  Having checked bullying violates the entire Code of Conduct.

I think that everyone who has seconded or supported this effort should feel ashamed of their public behavior. It's entirely appropriate to address this in private. It's entirely appropriate to tell Daniel he shouldn't talk that way if that's how you feel.  It's not appropriate to take this kind of formal action, it's bullying and inappropriate in contentious discourse.
Comment 17 Daniel Robbins 2018-04-03 20:31:45 UTC
Indeed - Gentoo has no real Code of Conduct. It has documents of subjugation, used to keep the 'normal folks' in line. I think that any developer that feels obligated to follow this so-called code might want to rethink their position. It's a tool they use to subjugate you and get you to vote for them in the next election. They position themselves as people of substance and authority. They want you to trust them. 

These politicians have very little to offer, but if you are unfortunate to listen to one talk, they will tell you about how many important things they are trying to do and how burnt out they are. It is a narrative designed to create sympathy and generate respect. They will be sure to insert some gratuitous insults of innocent developers who they blame for their current woes, ones they think are unlikely to stand up for themselves. Be very, very wary of these people. They are seeking their own advancement, and they will gladly throw you under the bus when they find it convenient. These individuals not be trusted. They should be actively resisted.

Certainly, there are those in positions of power that are good people and trying to make the project a better place, and actually deserve to be there. But there will always be a fair percentage that are unbalanced and want to rule over you.

If you want to stand up for what's right, get rid of them, but play by their "rules", you've already lost. The deck is stacked against you by design. They already have a system in place to protect themselves. You will not be able to reform the kingdom from the inside. This might be sad news if you were hoping for this to happen, but the sooner you realize this, the sooner you will start considering possibilities that actually have a chance of succeeding. And that, my friends, is where you should focus.
Comment 18 Sergey Popov (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2018-04-06 04:39:55 UTC
Honestly, i thought that founder of such awesome projects as Gentoo and Funtoo will be less... let's say "narrow-minded"(i am not sure if Google translates it correctly from Russian)

I do not protect mgorny. But publishing private messages from someone to OPEN maillist is a HUGE disrespect to this person.

So, if i would be in Michal's place, i would be very angry at you!

So, not sure if my opinion matters, but i am also support this Comrel decision
Comment 19 Daniel Robbins 2018-04-06 06:20:04 UTC
You are absolutely correct, Sergey. It was very disrespectful, but he is not deserving of respect. I don't respect people who are disrespectful to others in nearly every conversation. Here are some logs from #gentoo-portage, mgorny insulting William Hubbs (Council, OpenRC lead) and Zac Medico (Portage Lead) -- this is after I spent a week on -project calling him out for bad behavior. He can't help himself. These people getting insulted are good and friendly people who do not deserve to be treated like this. It is not good to just talk trash about whoever like this... some of the nicest people, too! It makes him a (word I am not allowed to say). I can probably get away with "jerk."

21:59:06        antarus | mgorny: in terms of QA, writing more tools and bringing people along is IMHO necessary; I think you've been having pretty good success in that area            
22:09:57         mgorny | antarus: you know what's worst? moving backwards                                                                                                               
22:10:05         mgorny | you spend tremendous effort getting something done                                                                                                             
22:10:32         mgorny | and next thing you know, four developers reintroduced the issue before you've been able to kill the last of it finally                                         
22:11:28         slyfox | communication is hard :)                                                                                                                                       
22:12:56         mgorny | in the meantime you have 5 other things to do                                                                                                                  
22:13:07         mgorny | Zac is ready to violate PMS only if anybody asks him to                                                                                                        
22:13:31         mgorny | proxy-maint is falling part if you don't watch it closely                                                                                                      
22:14:02         mgorny | some people just use every pretext to attack you because they have their reasons                                                                               
22:14:16         mgorny | and in the meantime trustees work on their coup because they don't have anything better to do                                                                  
22:15:53        antarus | So in terms of progress (and I agree its frustrating)                                                                                                          
22:16:36        antarus | Like your recent proposal about empty directories in D                                                                                                         
22:17:30        antarus | there is some mgorny-level-effort to quantify the problem and drive the usage down, which is admirable, but we also need a means to avoid the problem recurring
22:17:50         mgorny | don't tell me about it                                                                                                                                         
22:17:50         mgorny | it's not like i had any proposal                                                                                                                               
22:18:11         mgorny | it's another case of william taking random stuff and making a lot of noise about it without reading to the end                                                 
22:18:17        antarus | So for that particular issue, EAPI is nice because there is a forcing function                                                                                 
22:18:36        antarus | you ban it in 7, warn in < 7; and eventually everyone will be using 7 and the bad behavior will be gone
Comment 20 Daniel Robbins 2018-04-06 06:51:37 UTC
Also, Sergey, I used to think exactly as you did when I saw people make negative comments about mgorny. I took the position that mgorny may act badly sometimes, but is just burnt out. Then I saw more and more bad behavior, until my mind was completely changed. What you would not know from the logs are I had been trying to foster a friendship with mgorny, going out of my way to be supportive of him believing that he is simply burnt out and needed assistance, but the moment I take a technical position that he feels is a threat to one of his precious initiatives, rather than engage with me regarding the technical issues, he immediately started hurling personal insults at me in #gentoo-portage. It was such a sudden change of personality that it convinced me that this person is not stable. The private logs I posted are of him slandering a former trustee that he harassed to the point of chasing off the project. Now, I have no official position on Gentoo. But if Gentoo tolerates years of this kind of behavior, but then gets upset when I happen to say a few mean things about this person, I think it says something about the project. Something that is not good. I want people to think about this. It is not about me, it is about Gentoo. What culture do we have here.
Comment 21 Ulrich Müller gentoo-dev 2018-04-06 07:35:02 UTC
(In reply to Daniel Robbins from comment #17)
> Indeed - Gentoo has no real Code of Conduct.

Our CoC isn't so much different from that of other distros. For example, here are links to the C's of C of Debian, Fedora, and Arch:

"Be respectful" is a key element of all of them.

Even without any CoC, such foul language as in the posting referenced in this bug is way beyond what is acceptable in human interaction. (And in fact, in Germany insult and defamation qualify as criminal offences under §§ 185 and 186 StGB; similarly in Poland, Art. 216 KK.)

> It has documents of subjugation, used to keep the 'normal folks' in line.
> I think that any developer that feels obligated to follow this so-called
> code might want to rethink their position. [...]

So you have been out of line, and your reaction is to question the rules, and yet incite developers to break them too? I am curious what will be ComRel's response to that.
Comment 22 Dale 2018-04-06 07:56:02 UTC
(In reply to Ulrich Müller from comment #21)
> (In reply to Daniel Robbins from comment #17)
> > Indeed - Gentoo has no real Code of Conduct.
> Our CoC isn't so much different from that of other distros. For example,
> here are links to the C's of C of Debian, Fedora, and Arch:
> "Be respectful" is a key element of all of them.

I'm curious.  Given posts that have been made by mgorny, is he aware of that?  I say that and I generally only see his posts on -project and -dev.  I haven't been on any of the IRC channels in a long time and I don't get to see the 'one on one' interactions or the posts that are restricted to devs, council etc.  Based on what Daniel posted, it seems he is just as bad there as he is in public.  

I might add, as a long time Gentoo user and someone who has posted about this type of thing before, I find it strange that Daniel gets called out but Mgorny gets nothing for his posts.  I wonder, do the same people who reported or supported the reporting of Daniel do the same for Mgorny?  Is there a double standard?  Maybe just a exception to the standard?  

I don't expect a answer.  Some may want to think about those questions because it matters.
Comment 23 Ulrich Müller gentoo-dev 2018-04-06 09:54:14 UTC
(In reply to Dale from comment #22)
> (In reply to Ulrich Müller from comment #21)
> > "Be respectful" is a key element of all of them.

> [...] I find it strange that Daniel gets called out but Mgorny gets nothing
> for his posts.  I wonder, do the same people who reported or supported the
> reporting of Daniel do the same for Mgorny?  Is there a double standard?
> Maybe just a exception to the standard?  

So, (alleged) substandard behaviour of person A is a card blanche for person B to insult person C, and person B shouldn't get called out for it?

Or put more bluntly, other unrelated postings justify the personal attacks in URL against me, and I should simply endure them?
Comment 24 Dale 2018-04-06 11:06:05 UTC
(In reply to Ulrich Müller from comment #23)
> (In reply to Dale from comment #22)
> > (In reply to Ulrich Müller from comment #21)
> > > "Be respectful" is a key element of all of them.
> > [...] I find it strange that Daniel gets called out but Mgorny gets nothing
> > for his posts.  I wonder, do the same people who reported or supported the
> > reporting of Daniel do the same for Mgorny?  Is there a double standard?
> > Maybe just a exception to the standard?  
> So, (alleged) substandard behaviour of person A is a card blanche for person
> B to insult person C, and person B shouldn't get called out for it?
> Or put more bluntly, other unrelated postings justify the personal attacks
> in URL against me, and I should simply endure them?

No.  If the rules are to apply to everyone, apply them the same way, to everyone, no matter who they are.  If you are going to make exceptions or only apply rules when it suites you, then are they really rules or just suggestions?  

To put it simply, if comrel, council or whomever is going to allow Mgorny to post as he has in the past, and appears to still do so, then don't complain when someone else points it out or posts the same.  In my opinion, the reason for closing -dev was to shut up people posting about problems that some seem to want to ignore.  I notice someone wanted the same for -project.  See thread "Make gentoo-project a whitelisted mailing-list" for that.  However, it seems no one is doing anything with Mgorny.  Everyone else, they better stay within the rules or a bug gets filed for that person to get a ban, temporary at least.  This bug makes that point pretty clear.
Comment 25 William L. Thomson Jr. 2018-04-06 16:02:44 UTC
This is total BS. I have never used fowl language, while others have and many other things that went unpunished. While I am still "Enjoying a 1 year vacation" from Gentoo communication channels.

I have posted on -project and -dev before about mgorny. Who in turn defamed me with personal opinion and no links or facts to support. Unlike I did. I mentioned most of that on one of mgorny's past comrel bugs that ended up in a warning.

I can provide more violations by mgorny against CoC than many that have been permanently removed from project and banned in various capacities.... Mgorny is not the only one... Others conduct goes unpunished because they are liked.

Was Daniel Robbins warned officially per policy? Granted it seems warning is questionable. It does state offenses need be repeated.

Daniel you may consider an appeal to council. I have always felt that was futile.

CoC is not Code of Conduct, but CONTROL OTHERS CONDUCT.... It is not about the policy, violations etc. It is what you are saying, if others like it or not, and want to silence that. Others with the power want to CONTROL others Conduct... While the act how ever they like... Run around disrespecting others like crazy. I personally have been shown a tremendous level of disrespect. Going back to my time as a Trustee....

People need to show respect to get respect. It is a common sense thing in the streets in the US. Walk up and disrespect someone to their face, and they may respond with violence. In the digital world, hiding behind a keyboard, it is easy to be disrespectful. The language and culture differences only increase NOT decrease chance of insult and disrespect. Intended or not.

I have been pointing this out for years. Which causes me to get banned... With the excuse of CoC violation. At least Daniels use of profanity, makes it easier for others to see a clear violation. Had he left that out, I was betting he would be banned for some perceived CoC violation, just as I have been and many others....

What qualifies someone for Comrel? Who judges if they have the right skill to be part of that team? Do any in Comrel hold such positions for their job or profession? Do they have any education or degrees in such fields? Are they introverts or people persons? All of that matters more than anything else....

Gentoo has always had the WRONG people in Comrel....

Not to mention what other distros even have a Comrel? Its a made up Gentoo specific entity. Which is responsible for so many of Gentoo's problems....Comrel needs to end... Then the damage its doing to Gentoo will stop once and for all....
Comment 26 Virgil Dupras (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2018-04-08 12:25:10 UTC
I see Daniel that you're trying to prove a point by showing excerpts of IRC logs where mgorny supposedly insults people, but what I see in that log is *light years* away from the insults you've thrown yourself at mgorny and ulm.

We might call mgorny's words in that log tactless, but insulting? That's far fetching. Can't you see the difference?

If you want to successfully prove your point, please at least choose better examples.
Comment 27 Daniel Robbins 2018-04-08 18:24:30 UTC
Virgil, it is you who need to get a point. Mgorny engages in this behavior continually, and as one of the 'leaders' of Gentoo it is quite difficult to avoid his wrath if you are a developer on Gentoo. I, on the other hand, am not officially part of Gentoo, nor do I subject people to this kind of discourse unless they themselves are bullies and thus more than deserve it. This isn't an etiquette competition. After my posts I have received emails of support from developers who don't enjoy being bullied by mgorny but are *afraid* to say anything because they don't want to be targeted by him. He has 'chased' quite a few people away from Gentoo due to his verbal abuse. I am standing up for those who are bullied because there is very little that mgorny can do to me, but if you are under his sphere of influence, there is quite a lot that he can do, and has done, to make your life miserable.

It is sad to me to see that Gentoo has become a place where bullies reign, and that those who enforce the 'rules' do so in an uneven way to protect the bullies. Everyone tries to be sociable and friendly, but if you have a protected class that doesn't need to be, then they can run roughshod over people who really deserve to be treated better.

This is doubly unfortunate as these bullies have no ability to create a project such as Gentoo on their own -- they would have a very hard time retaining happy and productive developers and successfully growing a project -- so in order to exist, they are dependent upon successful and mature projects such as Gentoo that they can co-opt and drive into the ground.

Thus, this is not just an injury to individual developers who deserve to be treated better but is an injury to Gentoo itself, which is why I call for everyone to stand up to bullies and those who treat people badly. It is harming your friends, creating an unpleasant work environment, and harming Gentoo.

If I have to write a few nasty emails to draw attention to this situation, I am happy to do so :)
Comment 28 Virgil Dupras (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2018-04-08 18:31:01 UTC
Daniel, I'm not trying to determine whether you're right or wrong, I don't have insider information. All I have are your allegations.

As an outsider, all I see are accusations formulated in a very childish and vulgar way against well formed arguments that make sense. I happen to think that generally, arguments that aren't well formed and vulgar generally are wrong.

So that's all I know. I think that if you're trying to make a point, you should at least ensure that rhetorically, it looks like something else than a monkey throwing dung at the wall.
Comment 29 Daniel Robbins 2018-04-08 18:41:21 UTC
Virgil, understood. I hope that my response has helped you to understand my motivations.
Comment 30 William L. Thomson Jr. 2018-04-08 21:49:17 UTC
(In reply to Virgil Dupras from comment #28)
> Daniel, I'm not trying to determine whether you're right or wrong, I don't
> have insider information. All I have are your allegations.

Then that also means you have a very limited understanding of the situation over all. That you are judging things on the surface....

> As an outsider, all I see are accusations formulated in a very childish and
> vulgar way against well formed arguments that make sense. I happen to think
> that generally, arguments that aren't well formed and vulgar generally are
> wrong.

It is unwise to assume things are all the same if they appear to be... I am also put off by profanity and other in public writing. I found some of it distasteful. But I also understand the situation in depth.

You are for justifiable reasons siding with the wrong side. Which others are aware of, and happy to have your support. Given them more backing for their incorrect actions and leadership. By the time you understand the full situation, it is to late to make a difference...

> So that's all I know. I think that if you're trying to make a point, you
> should at least ensure that rhetorically, it looks like something else than
> a monkey throwing dung at the wall.

Maybe try to increase your knowledge. Or stop and think what might cause Daniel to act in such manner? Is there some underlying cause or motivation? What would it take for me to act the same, as in you. Each should ask themselves and answer those questions.

I have never done anything like Daniel, yet I am banned from mailing lists for 1 year... Why? Is it really about profanity?

No policy covers that time frame. No action of mine or conduct justifies such. Even when I had a previous 7 day ban. It was not for anything like what Daniel did...

Or going back to my initial ban right after I stepped down as a Trustee. Despite in my 6 months getting Gentoo a bank account with Capital One. Reinstated with New Mexico, public review of draft by laws which were adopted right after I resigned, and not changed much since.... I am not surprised about the IRS status, as I would have been the person to handle such years ago...

These people are running Gentoo into the ground... This was Daniels baby. If you created something. Then were harassed to the point of giving up a FOR PROFIT business. Turning it into a NON PROFIT foundation. Literally handling it all over to those who harassed and drove Daniel away. Now years later, he sees others ruining and destroying the community he built. With him simply trying to help....

If this was your child, what language might you use?

Again I am not justifying Daniels conduct or profanity. I do not agree with his approach, but I understand the motivation and full back story. I have spent years asking and doing research about Gentoo, how things came to be, etc.

That being said, anyone supporting action taken against Daniel. Is even more incorrect than anything Daniel said or did. He is the founder of Gentoo, Creator of the Foundation. Gentoo's first official donor. He PAID to have the foundation created. Daniel has quite a lot invested into Gentoo. Which others who could never do the same, just discard. They show Daniel so much disrespect it is not even funny.

Ever see how Linus acts? Guess you will stop running Linux or support action against Linus?

See it live...

Daniel should never be banned, nor denied anything from Gentoo. He should always have if nothing else HONORARY keys to the castle. There is seriously something wrong with our times. We have no respect for those who came before us... In the US tearing down statues. Just like on Gentoo tearing down Daniel...

This is all so wrong... Comrel needs to go. No other distro or anything has an entity like oomrel. Running around policing, and driving away VOLUNTEERS. WHich they are incapable of attracting others to replace those they run off.

Yet they say others are bad for the distro and causing harm. One can do far more harm from the inside than outside. Sadly most those who harm Gentoo, remain for a very long time doing very little.... Others conduct alone makes them unqualified for leadership, much less other roles like comrel....

This is what you get when you have the wrong leaders, and they keep increasing their powers endlessly... While seeking to limit others powers. While placing restrictions anywhere they can, to keep control of it all....

Again it is CONTROL OTHERS CONDUCT, not Code.... There is no code. Policies are not followed, just made up. Like a 1yr ban, with option to extend at comrels discretion....

Daniel is likely a year or so away from a lifetime ban. If he keeps saying what others do not want to hear. Or they disagree with. No matter if he uses profanity or offensive conduct. Again I have never done anything of the sort. I knew a ban was coming for Daniel. He just gave them an easy excuse for the lookie loos. Which is EXACTLY what those in council and comrel want to happen.

They say someone is bad, they cause bad behaviour, and then seek to punish such. Then as others come with a limited view. They tend to agree. But they time they find out the real truth. They are not willing to do much, move on, and the cycle repeats with new people stopping by....

They all need to go more than those they are taking action against... They just see things the other way. Thus things just get worse and worse...

Please if you do not have in depth knowledge. Please do not comment. You may come to find out, you sided with the wrong side in hindsight. When it is to late to make a difference....
Comment 31 William L. Thomson Jr. 2018-04-08 21:56:38 UTC
How Linus feels about nVidia, is likely how Daniel feels about others running aspects of Gentoo. Was Linus wrong for what he said about nVidia? Did his use of profanity or the middle finger, negate all previous technical arguments about why nvidia is bad?

Apply all that to the current situation. These people are nVidia, and Linux is Daniel... Which in that context, Daniel is being quite polite...

Just because you dislike how one says something, their style or conduct. Does not make what they are saying wrong. Really should look past the surface, as the saying goes... Don't judge a book by its cover....
Comment 32 Alec Warner (RETIRED) archtester gentoo-dev Security 2018-04-09 20:33:24 UTC
(In reply to Alec Warner from comment #9)
> This change should be live on the listserver now.
> Comrel, do you want to keep this bug open for the 7 days or file a new bug?
> -A

In lieu of no response I will re-use this bug. The 7 days has expired and the ban is lifted.

Comment 33 Raymond Jennings 2018-04-09 23:59:16 UTC
(In reply to Virgil Dupras from comment #26)
> I see Daniel that you're trying to prove a point by showing excerpts of IRC
> logs where mgorny supposedly insults people, but what I see in that log is
> *light years* away from the insults you've thrown yourself at mgorny and ulm.
> We might call mgorny's words in that log tactless, but insulting? That's far
> fetching. Can't you see the difference?
> If you want to successfully prove your point, please at least choose better
> examples.

Personally I don't think that comparisons are the whole picture.

If someone's behavior is objectionable, it should remain so regardless of comparisons being made against someone else's behavior.

The kettle doesn't get a free pass on being black just because the pot's the one making the accusation.  The kitchen sink can still throw a scrubber at both of them.

Whether there are actually any black kettles in this picture by analogy (and if so, who they are) in the first place though is another issue entirely, and in my opinion, it should be possible to prove if evidence is available.
Comment 34 Virgil Dupras (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2018-04-10 21:23:20 UTC
Raymond: of course, I wasn't trying to suggest that in order for Comrel to ban someone, the offense needs to be proportional to Daniel's offense. I do think that Comrel should apply the rules fairly to everyone.

However, part of Daniels argument is "Look! they banned me! Why don't they ban mgorny?". My answer is that Daniel's case is an obvious case. mgorny's case, as far as I know, is a gray area.

Applying rules in an impartial way is very hard when we enter gray areas.

Hence, my words: "If you want to successfully prove your point, please at least choose better examples."
Comment 35 Andrew D Kirch 2018-04-12 16:09:36 UTC
I wonder if the lot of you realize how stupid you all look from the cheap seats.  I echo William Thompson's comments and formally associate myself with them.

The behavior of comrel is hilariously abusive and bullying.  It's a clearcut and longstanding abuse of abusing community behavior guidelines to push an agenda.

One can only hope that the people on comrel, the people running Gentoo, and those who are responsible for the farce contained herein go far far away, and never return.
Comment 36 Daniel Robbins 2018-04-14 23:13:58 UTC
Quotes from emails of support (excerpts shared with permission...)

"I too have suffered verbal abuse from this creature. ... My opinion of gentoo changed at that point. I have seen him worm his way into important projects and proceed to destroy them." - anonymous Gentoo user

"Please keep this to yourself. I don't want him on my back, he's awful
and i just don't need it." - anonymous Gentoo developer
Comment 37 Daniel Robbins 2018-04-15 03:09:25 UTC
Mgorny has now called (supposedly jokingly) for wltjr to be violently killed. I am warned by ComRel about having a similar ban in place on me for inquiring about wltjr's overly-ambitious 1+ year ban. 4 messages in a thread...

There appears to be some inconsistency in how ComRel enforces its rules!
Comment 38 Daniel Robbins 2018-04-17 00:03:42 UTC
Here is my second ban:
Comment 39 Matthias Maier gentoo-dev 2018-04-17 01:23:27 UTC
(In reply to Daniel Robbins from comment #38)
> Here is my second ban:

Thanks for the remark! I have updated the "see also" section of the bug.
Comment 40 Andreas Sturmlechner gentoo-dev 2018-04-17 13:04:51 UTC
(In reply to Andrew D Kirch from comment #35)
> I wonder if the lot of you realize how stupid you all look from the cheap
> seats.
That started out interesting...

(In reply to Andrew D Kirch from comment #35)
> I echo William Thompson's comments and formally associate myself with them.
...but then I stopped reading.