Hi, I wonder why a bugfix release was not yet brought to Gentoo. News Version 1.66.0 New Libraries: Beast, CallableTraits, Mp11. Updated Libraries: Asio, Atomic, DateTime, Fiber, Format, Fusion, Geometry, Iterator, Log, Multi-index Containers, Optional, PolyCollection, Predef, Stacktrace, Thread, Utility, Uuid, Variant. December 18th, 2017 13:58 GMT Version 1.65.1 Bug fixes: Config, Context, Fiber, Smart Pointers, Stacktrace, Thread September 7th, 2017 17:31 GMT Version 1.65.0 New Libraries: PolyCollection, Stacktrace. Removed Libraries: TR1. Updated Libraries: Asio, Context, Config, Core, Coroutine2, DLL, Fiber, Fusion, Geometry, Hash, Log, Phoenix, Predef, Program Options, Python, Smart Pointers, Test, Thread, TypeIndex, Typeof, Unordered, Utility, Variant. August 21st, 2017 20:50 GMT
1.70.0 is in tree now and will be unmasked soon.