The skeyinit(1) manpage says: -t hash Selects the hash algorithm to use. Available choices are md4 (the default), md5 or sha1. However, md4 is no longer the default. See also bug 63995.
well spotted, I will fix this. I spotted another bug while I was fixing this, skeyprune uses a case sensitive regex, so it doesn't remove zeroed entries. fixed as well. -r4 has both fixes. The ChangeLog entry reads: 23 Sep 2004; Tavis Ormandy <> skey-1.1.5-r4.ebuild: skeyprune regex for matching zeroed entries was case sensitive, meaning it missed legitimate entries. fixed. #64971, skeyinit man page claims md4 is the default hash algorithm, this is no longer the case. fixed. Thanks to Ulrich Mueller for his help with the skey package. 23 Sep 2004; Tavis Ormandy <> +skey-1.1.5-r4.ebuild: do not include /etc/skey/skeykeys in the package, as quickpkg may package personal files. This also fixes the etc-update issue with #64974.