soapy USE flag doesn't seem to actually enable SoapySDR support - it looks like cmake can't find SoapySDR_DIR: parts of build output: [...] -- Could NOT find SoapySDR (missing: SoapySDR_DIR) [...] -- Configuring SoapySDR support support... -- Dependency SoapySDR_FOUND = 0 -- Disabling SoapySDR support support. -- Override with -DENABLE_SOAPY=ON/OFF [...] -- ###################################################### -- # Gnuradio disabled components -- ###################################################### -- * SoapySDR support I have following USE flags: USE="iqbalance python rtlsdr soapy -bladerf -fcd -hackrf -mirisdr -uhd" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7" but, when I run cmake in the manually cloned gr-osmosdr repo, soapysdr is being found as expected (even tho cmake files of soapy are installed in a non-standard /usr/share/cmake/SoapySDR dir)
ok, I've found the real cause and it's not gr-osmosdr fault: for some reason dir /usr/share/cmake/SoapySDR had 750 rights - after chmod 755 and reemerge of gr-osmosdr soapy support is enabled.
works here, permissions seem fine as well