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Bug 643598 - Issues with LINGUAS to L10N transition
Summary: Issues with LINGUAS to L10N transition
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Current packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal normal
Assignee: Gentoo Quality Assurance Team
: 643682 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Blocks: linguas-to-l10n
  Show dependency tree
Reported: 2018-01-05 18:58 UTC by Lagu
Modified: 2018-03-12 16:53 UTC (History)
11 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

make.conf (make.conf,1.95 KB, text/plain)
2018-01-05 18:58 UTC, Lagu
emerge --info (emerge-info,6.92 KB, text/plain)
2018-01-05 19:00 UTC, Lagu

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Lagu 2018-01-05 18:58:48 UTC
Created attachment 513476 [details]

Hi all, well, today i sync the gentoo tree (don't update portage itself), and when i try update the system i found the linguas options is starting to be disabled, i have set the L10N with "en es" and LINGUAS too, and i don't change anything, only sync the tree, so is.. weird?, and is adding new languages i..., anyway, here some examples:

sudo emerge -auDNU --with-bdeps=y @world

[ebuild     U ~] media-gfx/gimp-2.9.8-r1 [2.9.8] USE="-linguas_es*"
[ebuild   R    ] app-admin/system-config-printer-1.4.8  USE="-linguas_es*" 
[ebuild   R    ] media-gfx/exiv2-0.26_p20171104  USE="-linguas_es*"
[ebuild   R    ] net-print/cups-2.1.4  USE="linguas_ca* linguas_cs* linguas_de* linguas_fr* linguas_it* linguas_ja* linguas_ru*" 
[ebuild   R   ~] sys-boot/unetbootin-657  USE="-linguas_es*"
[ebuild   R    ] net-libs/gnutls-3.5.15  USE="-linguas_en*" 
[ebuild   R    ] net-dialup/minicom-2.7.1  USE="-linguas_es*"
[ebuild   R    ] net-dns/dnsmasq-2.78  USE="-linguas_es*"
[ebuild   R    ] sys-apps/shadow-4.5  USE="-linguas_es*" 

i'm using portage-2.3.19-r1.

Comment 1 Lagu 2018-01-05 19:00:06 UTC
Created attachment 513478 [details]
emerge --info
Comment 3 Ulrich Müller gentoo-dev 2018-01-05 19:26:36 UTC
(In reply to Mart Raudsepp from comment #2)

As of today, any linguas_* flags are not expanded from the LINGUAS variable any more, but behave like normal USE flags. So, during a transition time, it will unfortunately be necessary to set all three variables, namely:

    L10N="en es"
    LINGUAS="en es"
    USE="... linguas_en linguas_es ..." (or alternatively, the local flags in

The goal is that we eliminate all linguas_* flags from IUSE of ebuilds, so that the LINGUAS environment variable will maintain the standard gettext behaviour.

While we try to keep the transition time as short as possible, we have to ask for your patience here.
Comment 4 Mart Raudsepp gentoo-dev 2018-01-06 14:44:11 UTC
*** Bug 643682 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 5 Ulrich Müller gentoo-dev 2018-01-06 18:19:28 UTC
(Copying the longer explanation by leio from bug 643682 comment #1 to here)

We are transitioning away from USE_EXPANDed LINGUAS variable. Unfortunately this means that for a short time, some packages still have IUSE=linguas_* set and your make.conf LINGUAS isn't expanded for that.

To workaround it, you can temporarily add "linguas_cs linguas_cs_CZ" to your USE until we finish the transition. After that you can remove it again, as LINGUAS will be used as a gettext standard variable with the package manager not coming in the way via USE flags (L10N is for that purpose where needed). You can see when you can remove it (and we've hopefully finished transition for everything involving your language) based on whether linguas_cs and linguas_cs_CZ are still present in /usr/portage/profiles/use.desc - if they are gone, then you can also remove this temporary workaround, as all packages for your language have been migrated then.

Sorry for the temporary inconvenience.
Comment 6 kavol 2018-01-08 09:21:27 UTC
> While we try to keep the transition time as short as possible,

ahem, couldn't this have been done atomically, like one single commit?

not pretty that people have to fill bugs about things broken, getting denied as invalid, and the slower ones just reading about it when searching bugzilla before filing own bug ...

one can somehow understand cases like

[ebuild   R    ] www-client/qupzilla-2.1.2::gentoo  USE="dbus kwallet -debug -gnome-keyring -libressl -nonblockdialogs (-linguas_ar_SA%) (-linguas_bg_BG%) (-linguas_ca_ES%) (-linguas_cs_CZ%*) (-linguas_da_DK%) (-linguas_de_DE%) (-linguas_el_GR%) (-linguas_es_ES%) (-linguas_es_MX%) (-linguas_es_VE%) (-linguas_eu_ES%) (-linguas_fa_IR%) (-linguas_fi_FI%) (-linguas_fr_FR%) (-linguas_gl_ES%) (-linguas_he_IL%) (-linguas_hr_HR%) (-linguas_hu_HU%) (-linguas_id_ID%) (-linguas_is%) (-linguas_it_IT%) (-linguas_ja_JP%) (-linguas_ka_GE%) (-linguas_lg%) (-linguas_lt%) (-linguas_lv_LV%) (-linguas_nl_NL%) (-linguas_nqo%) (-linguas_pl_PL%) (-linguas_pt_BR%) (-linguas_pt_PT%) (-linguas_ro_RO%) (-linguas_ru_RU%) (-linguas_sk_SK%) (-linguas_sr%) (-linguas_sr@ijekavian%) (-linguas_sr@ijekavianlatin%) (-linguas_sr@latin%) (-linguas_sv_SE%) (-linguas_tr_TR%) (-linguas_uk_UA%) (-linguas_uz@Latn%) (-linguas_zh_CN%) (-linguas_zh_HK%) (-linguas_zh_TW%)" 0 KiB

^ okay, everything in parentheses, so linguas are going away from the ebuild for some reason ...

but not cases like this:

[ebuild   R    ] www-client/opera-12.16_p1860-r1::gentoo  USE="-gtk -linguas_af -linguas_ar -linguas_az -linguas_be -linguas_bg -linguas_bn -linguas_cs* -linguas_da -linguas_de -linguas_el -linguas_en_GB -linguas_es_ES -linguas_es_LA -linguas_et -linguas_fa -linguas_fi -linguas_fr -linguas_fr_CA -linguas_fy -linguas_gd -linguas_he -linguas_hi -linguas_hr -linguas_hu -linguas_id -linguas_it -linguas_ja -linguas_ka -linguas_kk -linguas_ko -linguas_lt -linguas_lv -linguas_me -linguas_mk -linguas_ms -linguas_nb -linguas_nl -linguas_nn -linguas_pa -linguas_pl -linguas_pt -linguas_pt_BR -linguas_ro -linguas_ru -linguas_sk* -linguas_sr -linguas_sv -linguas_sw -linguas_ta -linguas_te -linguas_th -linguas_tl -linguas_tr -linguas_uk -linguas_ur -linguas_uz -linguas_vi -linguas_zh_CN -linguas_zh_TW -linguas_zu -multilib" 0 KiB

^ not okay, linguas are not going away from this ebuild, but previously active cs and sk gets disabled, while in my make.conf there is LINGUAS="cs cs_CZ en sk" so clearly a bug that it gets ignored

and what about some news item that LINGUAS is going away?

linking 2016-06-23-l10n-use_expand is not of much help here, it says e.g. "If you have set LINGUAS in your make.conf, you most likely want to add its entries also to L10N." - 'add to' doesn't exacly sound like 'replace' and 'LINGUAS will be ignored'

... not to mention that isn't much clear about the current situation

@Ulrich: thanks for more info

@Mart: pls think twice before pretending there's no problem and linking not that much useful docs
Comment 7 Ulrich Müller gentoo-dev 2018-01-08 15:29:13 UTC
(In reply to kavol from comment #6)
> but not cases like this:
> [ebuild   R    ] www-client/opera-12.16_p1860-r1::gentoo  USE="-gtk
> -linguas_af -linguas_ar -linguas_az -linguas_be -linguas_bg -linguas_bn
> -linguas_cs* -linguas_da -linguas_de -linguas_el -linguas_en_GB
> -linguas_es_ES -linguas_es_LA -linguas_et -linguas_fa -linguas_fi
> -linguas_fr -linguas_fr_CA -linguas_fy -linguas_gd -linguas_he -linguas_hi
> -linguas_hr -linguas_hu -linguas_id -linguas_it -linguas_ja -linguas_ka
> -linguas_kk -linguas_ko -linguas_lt -linguas_lv -linguas_me -linguas_mk
> -linguas_ms -linguas_nb -linguas_nl -linguas_nn -linguas_pa -linguas_pl
> -linguas_pt -linguas_pt_BR -linguas_ro -linguas_ru -linguas_sk* -linguas_sr
> -linguas_sv -linguas_sw -linguas_ta -linguas_te -linguas_th -linguas_tl
> -linguas_tr -linguas_uk -linguas_ur -linguas_uz -linguas_vi -linguas_zh_CN
> -linguas_zh_TW -linguas_zu -multilib" 0 KiB
> ^ not okay, linguas are not going away from this ebuild, but previously
> active cs and sk gets disabled, while in my make.conf there is LINGUAS="cs
> cs_CZ en sk" so clearly a bug that it gets ignored

See comment 3 and comment 5 for how to work around this (temporary) issue. We are down to about 15 packages that are still using linguas_* flags, and =opera-12* may be the most prominent of them. Again, I can only ask for some patience here; bug 583762 has been filed for the issue, and will eventually get resolved.

> and what about some news item that LINGUAS is going away?

It is not. The only things that have changed are that 1) it is no longer expanded into linguas_* flags, and that 2) the package manager will leave its value alone, so the user's setting (or absence of it) will be passed unchanged to the package.

> linking 2016-06-23-l10n-use_expand is not of much help here, it says e.g.
> "If you have set LINGUAS in your make.conf, you most likely want to add its
> entries also to L10N." - 'add to' doesn't exacly sound like 'replace' and
> 'LINGUAS will be ignored'

But "add to" is precisely what should be done. There is no reason to remove an existing LINGUAS assingment from make.conf.
Comment 8 Ulrich Müller gentoo-dev 2018-01-08 20:27:03 UTC
Update: www-client/opera-12.16_p1860-r1 should be fixed now. We are down to the following 10 packages still using linguas_* flags:


So you need not (and should not) add any linguas_* flags to your USE, unless you have one of the listed packages installed.
Comment 9 Ulrich Müller gentoo-dev 2018-01-09 22:54:18 UTC
(In reply to Ulrich Müller from comment #5)
> You can see when you can remove it (and we've hopefully finished transition
> for everything involving your language) based on whether linguas_cs and
> linguas_cs_CZ are still present in /usr/portage/profiles/use.desc - if they
> are gone, then you can also remove this temporary workaround, as all
> packages for your language have been migrated then.

That info is now in /usr/portage/profiles/use.local.desc instead: As the number of affected packages is down to 6, we have changed the remaining linguas_* from global to local USE flags.