g++ -c -pipe -I/usr/include/mysql -fno-exceptions -Wall -W -O2 -D_REENTRANT -fPI C -DQT_SHARED -DQT_TABLET_SUPPORT -DQT_NO_DEBUG -DQT_THREAD_SUPPORT -DQT_THREAD_ SUPPORT -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_LARGE_FILES -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DQT_NO_XINERA MA -DQT_NAS_SUPPORT -DQT_DLOPEN_OPENGL -DQT_BUILTIN_GIF_READER=1 -DQT_NO_STYLE_M AC -DQT_NO_STYLE_AQUA -DQT_NO_STYLE_INTERLACE -DQT_NO_STYLE_WINDOWSXP -DQT_NO_ST YLE_COMPACT -DQT_NO_STYLE_POCKETPC -I/var/tmp/portage/qt-3.3.3-r1/work/qt-x11-fr ee-3.3.3/mkspecs/linux-g++ -I. -I/usr/include/freetype2 -I3rdparty/opentype -I.. /include -I/usr/X11R6/include -I.moc/release-shared-mt/ -o .obj/release-shared-m t/qprinter_unix.o kernel/qprinter_unix.cpp In file included from /usr/include/math.h:382, from kernel/qpainter_x11.cpp:55: /usr/include/bits/mathinline.h: In function `long double __atan2l(long double, long double)': /usr/include/bits/mathinline.h:433: error: `__builtin_atan2l' undeclared (first use this function) /usr/include/bits/mathinline.h:433: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in.) distcc[16799] ERROR: compile kernel/qpainter_x11.cpp on hydra failed make[1]: *** [.obj/release-shared-mt/qpainter_x11.o] Error 1 make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs.... make[1]: Leaving directory `/var/tmp/portage/qt-3.3.3-r1/work/qt-x11-free-3.3.3/ src' make: *** [sub-src] Error 2 !!! ERROR: x11-libs/qt-3.3.3-r1 failed. !!! Function src_compile, Line 112, Exitcode 2 !!! (no error message) emerge info: ------------ Portage 2.0.50-r11 (default-x86-1.4, gcc-3.4.2, glibc-, 2.6.8-gentoo-r4) ================================================================= System uname: 2.6.8-gentoo-r4 i686 AMD Athlon(tm) XP 2000+ Gentoo Base System version 1.5.3 distcc 2.17 i686-pc-linux-gnu (protocols 1 and 2) (default port 3632) [enabled] Autoconf: sys-devel/autoconf-2.59-r4 Automake: sys-devel/automake-1.8.5-r1 ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="x86 ~x86" AUTOCLEAN="yes" CFLAGS="-march=athlon-xp -Os -pipe" CHOST="i686-pc-linux-gnu" COMPILER="" CONFIG_PROTECT="/etc /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb /usr/kde/2/share/config /usr/kde/3/share/config /usr/share/config /usr/share/texmf/dvipdfm/config/ /usr/share/texmf/dvips/config/ /usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/config/ /usr/share/texmf/tex/platex/config/ /usr/share/texmf/xdvi/ /var/qmail/control" CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK="/etc/gconf /etc/terminfo /etc/env.d" CXXFLAGS="-march=athlon-xp -Os -pipe" DISTDIR="/usr/portage/distfiles" FEATURES="autoaddcvs ccache digest distcc fixpackages sandbox" GENTOO_MIRRORS="ftp://gentoo.inode.at/source/ http://gentoo.inode.at/ ftp://mir.zyrianes.net/gentoo/ ftp://ftp.gentoo.mesh-solutions.com/gentoo/ ftp://ftp.wh2.tu-dresden.de/pub/mirrors/gentoo ftp://sunsite.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/pub/Linux/gentoo ftp://linux.rz.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/gentoo-mirror/" MAKEOPTS="-j4" PKGDIR="/usr/portage/packages" PORTAGE_TMPDIR="/var/tmp" PORTDIR="/usr/portage" PORTDIR_OVERLAY="/usr/local/portage" SYNC="rsync://rsync.de.gentoo.org/gentoo-portage" USE="3dnow 3dnowex S3TC X aalib acpi acpi4linux alsa antlr apm async avi berkdb bitmap-fonts cdr crypt cups dga directfb dvd dvdr encode faad flac fltk fmod foomaticdb freetype gdbm gif gimpprint glut gphoto2 gpm gtk gtk2 guile icq imagemagick imlib imlib2 java jikes jpeg junit lcms ldap libg++ libwww mad maildir mcal mikmod mmap mmx mng moznocompose moznoirc moznomail mpeg music mysql nas ncurses nethack network nls nvidia offensive oggvorbis openal opengl operanom2 oscar oss pam pdflib perl png ppds python qt quicktime readline samba sdl slang slp spell sse ssl stencil-buffer stroke tcltk tcpd tetex threads tiff timidity transcode truetype type1 unicode usb utf8 videos vim-with-x wmf wxwindows x86 xml xml2 xmms xosd xprint xrandr xv xvid zlib"
not a qt problem; it's a local issue with your build headers - maybe due to gcc/glibc error?
could something like this come from two different gcc versions on two machines using distcc?
after the 4th attempt of compiling it it suddendly worked. i really wonder why, but i have no idea.