sphinxcontrib* packages share a namespace "sphinxcontrib" but there is currently no package "dev-python/namespace-sphinxcontrib" to provide or dpend on as specified in https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:Python/Namespace_packages. One could think that dev-python/sphinx could provide the namespace but it is not currently the case. We need a namespace package and migrate to it. The following packages are concerned: dev-python/sphinxcontrib-asyncio dev-python/sphinxcontrib-blockdiag dev-python/sphinxcontrib-cheeseshop dev-python/sphinxcontrib-doxylink dev-python/sphinxcontrib-googleanalytics dev-python/sphinxcontrib-httpdomain dev-python/sphinxcontrib-issuetracker dev-python/sphinxcontrib-napoleon dev-python/sphinxcontrib-newsfeed dev-python/sphinxcontrib-programoutput dev-python/sphinxcontrib-spelling
@ Sébastian Fabbro, since you kindly adopted my ebuild from the sage-on-gentoo overlay, I think you should be aware of this bug.
I think all instances of this are fixed already.