hello, on one of my systems, i must recompile the whole system to solve a problem with unknown symbols on linking. revdep-rebuild don't solve this problem. there must 1121 packages remerged, but glibc is merge as package 534. if glibc is the reason for the problem, then i have this problem probaly in all packages remerge before. i think, it was better, to remerge glibc first while absolute all other packages need/use this package. i don't think, that glibc is the problem on this system because glibc was updated in the last two weeks. but this must no be in every case. i think, a recompile of the system should begin with first with the lib, which is not use any other lib and/or the tools which are needed to compile the lib. after remerge of glibc/gcc/binutils only libs should be remerge, which need glibc and no other lib and so on, so that no lib is remerge, which use a lib which is remerged later. if the lib, which makes the problem is remerged very last, it can be nessary to remerge the whole system again. goodby
I guess you already had the latest version of glibc installed? The current code for bug 303567 is only triggered when the new version of glibc is different from the old version: for pkg in self._dynamic_config._package_tracker.match(root, atom): if pkg.operation == "merge" and \ not vardb.cpv_exists(pkg.cpv): libc_pkgs.add(pkg)