The commit removed screen-4.3.1-r1.ebuild with it files and with screen-4.4.0 I cannot access my screens anymore. There is incompatibility between the version. See reply to my question: <quote> yes there is incompatibility between those versions, from release message ( "Do note that there was fix to screen message structure field responsible for $TERM handling, which makes it impossible to attach to older versions (hence minor version bump)." You can try to attach by using /proc/$SCREENPID/exe -x </quote> Provided the locations are being shuffled in versions and affected by configure options (see bug #591772) I propose restoring the ebuild. Seems current ebuilds anyway store teh sockets elsewhere. Moreover, the socket directories mentioned in are not those used by current screen installations in Gentoo. Please cleanup the docs, document which version used what. I would appreciate clear einfo message warning about the issues (different socket dirs, incompatibility).