the last spock's fbsplash-0.9-r5-2.6.8-rc3.patch fails to patch the kernel sources Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1.install mm-sources 2.try to patch with spock's fbsplash 3. Actual Results: the patch fails Expected Results: the patch succeeds
Created attachment 37942 [details, diff] modified fbsplash patch for the mm kernel sources this patch should add to the mm- with the necessary code for successful compilation from splashutils from spock
mm-sources are for the mm patchset only, and fbsplash is not a part of mm. If you're using a kernel other than gentoo-dev-sources, you have to patch it by hand if you want to use splashutils and fbsplash. I'll put your patch on my devsite, in so that people can use it to manually patch mm-sources.